All I Want For Christmas Is An Odd Combination Of Things

With Carin gone for the holidays and me leaving tomorrow, things are likely going to be pretty quiet around here for the next week or 2. but before we all but close up shop for the most un-vacation-like vacation of the year, here are a few random links to keep you entertained while we’re off …

Love And Marriage…And Plugs And Whining

Well, long time, no chat. I’d apologize for not being around a whole lot over the last little while, but to be honest, I doubt any of you really missed me all that much if you missed me at all. So where have I been? Well for starters, my sleep has gone to hell in …

Derek Edwards, You’ve Done It Again

I feel like I’m just repeating myself, but ah hell, I’m going to write it anyway. The other night we went to see Derek Edwards again. After seeing him a couple of years ago, I wasn’t sure how much new stuff he could have possibly come up with. Oh boy did he come up with …

Back From The Weekend And Feeling Chatty

Well, I’m home, I’m alive, and I had a pretty dandy long weekend. Although when you’ve got a good family, lots of good food and a few good drinks, it’s hard to end up with something you could describe as anything other than dandy. Maybe if you prefer words like smashing or fanglorious you could …

Cover Letters From Hell

I should have written this up a few months ago when I found out about it, but since I’m a lazy hack, I just never got around to it. Advertising agency Killian & Company has a hilarious section on its website called Cover Letters from Hell that features, well, cover letters from hell. The link …

Like a Kid in a Candy Shoppe!

This is going to be the weirdest post ever. On second thought, that’s a tall order, writing the weirdest post ever. What would this post have to top to get that award? I’m not sure. That’s a hard one. Would it have to beat the guy who burped in Steve’s ear at the mall? Or …