Roundtable Plug

Just a quick note to let anybody who happens to care know that Salty Ham’sVengeance Roundtablehas been posted. Hopefully I do better this time around than I did last time out. But funnily enough, even though I got utterly schooled at Backlash, I’m still not in last place, which amuses me greatly because I didn’t …

They’re Back! And Some Other Crap

After being gone for I can’t even remember how long, the Salty Ham Pay-per-view Roundtables have returned! This is surely a direct result of my overwhelming clout and worldwide internet influence, though some may try to tell you that it has everything to do with somebody offering to take the time to put them together …

Back One Day – And Already Asking For Favours

Alright, Kids. Here’s your mission. A group of us are walking in the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For Life. It’s a great event. The idea, basically, is that you enter a team of 10, each of you fundraises $100 and then show up to the event and walk all night. 7pm – 7am. You, personally. …

Bring The Acoustic Noise

Here comes another of those goofy folky rap song covers I love so much. This time it’sPublic Enemy’s Bring the Noise,as performed by Brent Runyon. I know nothing about Mr. Runyon other than that he’s written a book about his life, specifically the time heattempted suicide by lighting himself on fire.How he went from that …

I’m Sleepy

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but it’s the holidays anyway, you should be out celebrating something. The site will still be here in January when the so-called “Christmas vacation” is over. By the way, whoever came up with that term needs to be slapped mightily and repeatedly. It might be time away from …