The First Rule Of Shotgun Is Don’t Talk About Shotgun

There are few issues in this world more contentious than who gets shotgun on a car ride. So with that in mind, I give you the shotgun rules, a surefire way to settle any disputes that may arise among your group over who gets the front seat. Seriously, whoever is responsible for this site has …

Let’s Talk Wrestling

Throughout my life, I’ve watched literally hundreds, no, probably thousands of hours of wrestling and there’s always been one thing that annoys the hell out of me, just because it’s completely stupid. Picture this situation. It’s the night of the PPV and you’re sitting there, waiting to see all of the big matches, the culminations …

Something A Bit More Serious Than Usual

I guess this is more an issue for our American readers but it is really something that everyone should go and take a look at. It never hurts to be a little bit more educated and a little bit more open-minded. is a site that has been set up for Punk Rock fans (or …