Pretty Sure I Just Got Robbed By This Guess The Oscar Winning Song Lyrics Quiz

Can You Guess the Oscar-Winning Song Based on the Lyrics? I got 75 percent here which kinda surprised me, but unless there’s something I’m not picking up on, it should have been higher. Without giving anything away, the one about talking to the sun I’m absolutely right about even though the damn thing keeps telling …

Come And Get Your Shit Wrecked By A Mental Floss Quiz

Unless you’re in one of the areas that has a PA day today for reasons that no one seems to understand, happy first day of school. I’ve talked before about the wee bit of sadness this time of year always brings, but I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned the bit of relief that also …

I Think You Should Name Him Cash, As In Hand Over A Bunch Of Your

I’m not going to sit here and tell you that naming a baby is easy. Whatever you settle on, you, and more importantly the kid, are wearing it forever. Clearly, it’s a choice that you’re going to want to get right. And yeah, sometimes it’s nice to have a little help. But if you ever …

What A Wonderful, And Large, World

I can think of a few people for whom this $600, 60,000 piece jigsaw puzzle that Costco is selling would make a pretty cool gift. The problem is I have no idea where they would put it. The sprawling What a Wonderful World puzzle is actually 60 interconnected 1000-piece puzzles to make assembly (somewhat) feasible. …

Very Hard Jeopardy! Questions

Here’s some fun. 20 of the Hardest ‘Jeopardy!’ Questions of All Time They call them some of the hardest questions of all time because none of the three contestants answered them correctly. Hard is a very subjective description, obviously. Anyway, have a look at the clues on that list and see how many of them …

Florida Or Not Florida

This is a fun little game. You will be presented with 20 actual news headlines. Your task is to correctly determine whether each one is something that happened in Florida or in another state. I did pretty well, scoring 14 right answers by correctly identifying five Floridians and nine non-Floridians. That number should be 16, …

A Calculator To Make You Feel Like An Idiot For Buying All That Toilet Paper

Judging from the stores around here some of you could have used this service a couple weeks ago, but hey, it’s never too late. And so I give you How much toilet paper? The simple calculator for how much toilet paper you need to survive the pandemic. Not everyone is able to get to a …