Stay In And Play This Maclean’s Trivia Game Because It Beats Being Outside Where It’s Windy And Grey

I haven’t done one of these in a while, and when I do I like to post them so that everyone can play along and show how much smarter than me they are. So have at this Maclean’s quiz. Their resident genius, Peter Dyakowski, got himself a more than respectable 80% on the 30 questions. …

Can You Tell Your Lossless Audio Ass From A Low Bitrate Hole In The Ground?

I listen to a lot of music and at various points in my life have spent time in recording studios and on the radio, so I have at least a decent sense of the differences between quality and garbage audio. I’ve also read and heard a small but vocal number of people bitching about how …

No One Will Mistake Me For Canada’s Smartest Person

Oof. I love these Maclean’s quizzes, but sometimes they sure don’t love me. I just finished scoring 53% on this one. Peter Dyakowski, A.K.A. Canada’s Smartest Person, meanwhile, scored an 80. As usual, I missed a few I should have known, but they were evened out somewhat by some really good guesses. And it pays …

Are You Better At Trivia Than The Smartest Person In Canada? I’m Not, It Turns Out

Until I come up with something else for you to read, here’s a fun Maclean’s quiz to keep you busy and hopefully sharp. Your aim is to do better than Peter Dyakowski, Hamilton Tigercat and “Canada’s Smartest Person”, a title he earned by winning a 2012 CBC Television trivia show of which I have no …

Pop Quiz! Who Said The Stupid Thing: Rob Ford Or Mayor Quimby

Michelle sent me another great Rob Ford link. I hope you’ve got your thinking caps on for this one. Since entering public service as a city councilor in 2000, Ford has been known for his odd and improper public behavior and comments, a habit that only got worse after he was elected mayor in 2010. …