Black Friday Body Count: Some Photos And Some Skill Testing Questions

This won’t do me any good, but since a lot of you really like pictures, here’s a little something they’re calling Black Friday In 41 Absolutely Horrifying Photos. Whoever did this wrote just enough to make it into something I really wish I could look at. If any of the good describers around here want …

Put Your Twitter Presence On The Couch

A while back, I was poking around Twitter to see who I could find. I found someone, but he had abandoned his Twitter account. But one of his last tweets referenced a site called TweetPsych. Because I’m always fascinated by quizzes and stuff, I thought hey, what the heck? So I punched my Twitter username …

I’m Drunk, Here’s Why.

Some of us may remember a certain epic comment thread which started because of a certain post on a certain other blog. Then things changed course, and during the course of the comment thread, this post got mentioned, at which time Steve made up the following drinking game: Rules are simple. One function, one drink. …

Seems I’m Better Off Whooping On Old Folks Than Kids

From the folks who brought youHow Many 5-year-olds Could You Take In A FightcomesHow Many 90-year-olds Could You Take In A Fight? Answering as honestly as possible I scored 19, 1 better than I got back when we were working with the kids. Feel free to post your own scores and words of mockery in …

They Like Us! They Really Really Like Us!

Ro gave us a Thanksgiving award thingy. What a sweety. I swear we’re the same person sometimes. I’m happy we never scared her away way back when she started reading our crazy stuff. So the rules are you’re supposed to pass this award on to five other blog authors who you think deserve a little …

We’re Doin’ The Shuffle, The 25-Song Shuffle

Oh my my. Barb tagged Steve and I to do this funky music quiz. So off I go. here are the rules. Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.Step 2: Post the first line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing. See which of your friends can name the most …