Things You Don’t Care About That I’m Telling You Anyway

Warning: Barby tagged me today, so long ass survey ahead. I won’t feel bad if you don’t read all of this. 1. What do you wish your name was?Hugh G. Rection. it would be good advertising. It would be false advertising mind you, but good all the same. 2. What is your favorite thing to …

>Something Goofy from the Inbox of Dorfus Chickenbutt

>Jen sent me this, it made me chuckle, and I thought it might generate some wacky comments, so up it goes. I love the magical place that is my inbox as Steve would put it. The following is an excerpt from a children’s book, Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, …

My Thursday 13

Before I start, a couple quick things. We had a complaint on the boards earlier about our choice of topic for the week, so I want to quickly address that. Will the topics always be negative? I have no idea. Planning ahead has never been one of those things that we’re overly good at. But …

My Unlucky Thursday Thirteen

Before I start talking about who should get hoofed in the bag, I have good news. We have our miracle apartment! We just have to sign a few papers and hand over a bit more money and it’s ours! Now, back to kicks ahoy! These can be people, or groups of people. Aren’t I generous? …

Just When I Think I’m Done…

Something compelled me to go visit the other vomit comit and I discovered holy shit, I’ve been tagged! So I have another post handed to me. This one’s going to be hard, but here goes. Six Things about me: 1. I’m short, and always get mistaken for a 12-year-old. If I had a nickel for …