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Category Archives: quizzes ‘n’ shit
Evil Test
If you’re sitting around right now wondering how evil you are then friend I’ve got a treat for you. All you have to do is take the evil test, and you’ll have your answer. So how did I do on this test? Well, if the goal is to be as evil as possible by answering …
How Normal Are You?
Thanks toKarinefor this one that she left on the comment board. Head on over toBathroom Lifeand take the survey. Once you get to the main site, just click on survey and answer the questions. You don’t have to give your name or anything, which is a good thing. When you’re finished you’ll get to see …
What’s Your Life Rated?
Found this quiz while I was surfing around. I always thought this stuff was kind of neat so I’m sharing it cause well, I can, damnit! It’s a test to figure out what your life would be rated on the MPAA movie ratings scale. Somehow I ended up with NC-17, that’s X for people who …