We Notice Too Many Ads

Here we go again with the comercials. I saw an ad for Iams dog food that said that the food would produce the seven signs of healthy vitality. Uh, what other kind of vitality is there? I’ve never heard of unhealthy vitality. I guess cancer could have healthy vitality that would be unhealthy for you, …

Here We Go with The Ads Again

Here we go again with more slogans that caught our attention. What a mishmash this is. Every timeI see commercials for denture grip, the stuff that holds dentures in place, it says “now with less ooze!” Ug! Doesn’t that sound wonderful? The idea of stuff oozing around my gums just makes me want to gag. …

They Are? Wow, You Had Me Worried There For A Second

I live in Canada. More often than not, when I’m listening to radio, it’s Canadian radio. And every now and then when I hear a commercial, I’ll hear the stupidest thing. The latest example is the ad for those Pizza Hut Pizza Mia deals, the ones that are only $6 each if you buy 3 …

Serving Our Community, One Voice Track At A Time

All the snow we’ve been getting and our building’s power transformer blowing up the other night got me thinking again about how much commercial radio sucks these days. That might sound strange, but hear me out. When something disruptive happens, something like…let’s say a snow storm or a power outage, what’s one of the first …

Happy Birthday Carin And A Bunch Of Other Crap

So how’s everybody? Are you enjoying this weather? If your answer is yes and you live anywhere near me, you’re an idiot, plain and simple. I don’t like winter at the best of times, but things are really getting out of hand this year. One thing I’ve noticed though is that there’s a definite lack …