1410 CKSL London Will Be Going Off The Air Soon

I’m having another end of an era moment. I just learned that at some point in the near future, London’s AM 1410 CKSL will cease to exist. Not because of a dramatic format shift (that’s already happened to that station several times), but because Bell Media recently applied to the CRTC to have its license …

Screaming TV’s And Radios: It’s Not Just For Weather Alerts Anymore

Last Sunday night, we were watching TV like any other night. I should note that the weather outside was completely calm and anything but frightful. Then, all of a sudden, the sound that I thought was strictly reserved for weather events went off. Sorry I had to use a shitty Youtube video that was taken …

Someone Knows Something, And It’d Be Great If They’d Share It With The Rest Of Us

I’m a big fan of crime documentaries, so this sounds like it might be worth checking out. But gees Louise, the announcement needs work. Not just because of the typos, either. The bigger issue is that in all the gushing and such over the host’s credentials, previous work and who’s doing the music, they forgot …

I Must Be Somewhere Else. Someone Just Suggested Less, More Sensible Regulation. In Canada

Canada’s Competition Bureau has taken a break from aproving mega mergers with horrible idea written all over them that allow companies like Bell Media to fire everyone in sight even though they’re raking in hundreds of millions of dollars to toss out some entirely sensible suggestions on how municipalities and provinces should best handle ride …

Rex Murphy Is Leaving Cross Country Checkup. I’d Have Said That In Bigger Words, But It’s Early

I’m hardly what you’d call a regular listener, but Rex Murphy retiring as host of Cross Country Checkup on September 20th still qualifies to me as pretty big news just because he’s such a fixture up here. Rex says, “It’s the right time for me to step down.  The continuing conversation I have had every …

Enjoy The Music While You Can. TSN Radio 1150 Arrives On Labour Day

Seeing as a good number of people have been coming here lately looking for info and a couple have even asked me about it, I thought I’d pass on the news I just got about the end of classic hits CKOC and the beginning of TSN Radio 1150 Hamilton. As I figured but never confirmed, …

Baseball, Books And More Music Than I Could Possibly Listen To? Please Take My Money, TuneIn

Often when I open the TuneIn Radio app, I’m greeted with a pitch for the premium service. Now and then I’ve thought about trying it out since what it offers sounds pretty decent, but I’ve never bothered to give it a go. But it seems I may have to get off my arse and just …

That Was A Pretty Sweet Home Run Derby

I don’t have any super deep thoughts on it since the sort of person who can sit and over-analyze a game who’s object is essentially to hit batting practice really really far is the sort of person who needs more things to do, but I have to say that I absolutely loved this year’s Home …

End Of An Era: 1150 CKOC Is Going To Stop Playing Music, Become TSN Radio

Bell Media announced yesterday that it plans to flip 1150 CKOC Hamilton to TSN Sports Radio from its current oldies…sorry…classic hits format between now and the fall. I don’t know why we call it classic hits instead of oldies now, but everybody seems to have jumped on this train. Listen. The newest songs from the …