This is interesting. 10 Inventors Who Came to Regret Their Creations Some, like the atomic bomb and the AK-47, make perfect sense while others such as the “//” after the “http” come off like one of those things that would drive you nuts after you finished early and had way too much time to edit. …
Category Archives: random
Yeah, Pretty Much This
Hey there, perpetually cheery social media guy. Before you hit RT on that latest and greatest lifechanging quote, take a couple minutes to read this. Thanks. Inspirational messages are hollow statements for lazy blowhards It’s my sincere hope that a few of you sanctimonious blowhards will realize what insufferable assholes you are, and that you’ll …
Questions You Never Had, Unanswered
I love It’s often the first place I look when somebody sends me a story for the site that I’m not so sure about the truthfulness of, and it’s always where I send somebody who forwards me a dire warning about or a miracle cure for anything. If you’ve never used it, you should. …
Ow My Balls, It’s Domino’s
This sort of Twitter usage is completely childish and stupid and pointless and silly and…totally something I would probably do without a whole lot of convincing. Every day, social media editors around the world face difficult decisions. For example: does the guy who claims he burned his dick while fucking a pepperoni pizza deserve a …
Here, Have A Bunch Of Random Trivia
I often find myself doubting the validity of some of the stuff pumped out by those amazing facts Twitter accounts, but if Mental Floss says it’s true, I trust them. So because this type of random trivia stuff fascinates me and because I’m the guy with the passwords, here are 65 Amazing Facts That Will …
Have You Guys Heard About That Thing Where You Hear About Something And Then Everybody Else Suddenly Hears About It?
You ever notice how sometimes you’ll come across a band or a TV show that nobody in the world seems to know about, but then once you know about it it’s suddenly everywhere? That happens to me all the time, and apparently it has a name and is based on a couple of psychological principles. …
Wine Ice Cream Is A Thing, And It Sounds Kind Of Fantastic
You’re getting a little tired of your wine sippy cup, but not tired of being buzzed. What to do…what to do? How about grabbing yourself a few pints of Mercer’s Dairy’s wine ice cream? The idea sounds kind of silly at first, but the stuff contains up to 5% alcohol, which is as strong or …
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Flakes Of Trivia About Cereal
This morning, while eating a bowl of cereal with milk on it, I got to thinking “Just how did someone figure out that milk should be on this stuff?” I mentioned it to Steve and he wondered the same. So we went to Google, and found this long, detailed explanation. Neat! I’ve learned quite a …
What The Fuck Should I Make For Dinner?
In just a little while, it will be dinner time. If you’re anything like us, you’re not sure what you’re having. We’re thinking about trying to get in on Just Eat’s limited Friday the 13th deal, but that’s just a thought. If we decide not to, we’re still stuck. Enter today’s most useful website in …
>All The Small Things
>I saw this yesterday, and I thought it was well done. Eight Tiny Things That Stopped Suicides What a perfect combination of making me laugh and cry. And it made me feel better about that whole mess back in January. All kidding aside, these guys write some pretty cool stuff.