Why, oh why, oh why, would anyone want jewellery hanging from their butts? Like eeewww. No. Wrong. I have no other words.
Category Archives: random
Maybe Cadie?
I’m so confused. Maybe I’m a bear of very little brain just like Winnie the Pooh after all. Ok, where do I begin? Well, I guess where I stumbled across this. When I was reading my Top Tech Tidbits, I came across a site called Access On Main Street. It’s basically a giant pile of …
How’s My Photography, Doug Hastings?
People always wonder what would happen if a blind person tried to take a picture. Well, you’re about to find out, and it’s probably not gonna be pretty. This is what happens when a drunk blink decides it would be cool to try and take pictures with her cellphone. If I’m lucky, there will be …
Holiday Wrap-Up Chatter
Well, it’s that time of the year again where I babble about the holidays and such. it looks like ever since I’ve been here splattering whatever I have to say all over this place, I seem to do some kind of holiday wrap-up. Look at that. Without even meaning to, I’ve started a traddition! Now …
10 Reasons To Be Antisocial
While I wouldn’t necessarily call myself antisocial, I’m definitely a person who treasures his alone time. Not everybody who knows me knows that, and even some of the ones who do don’t really seem to understand why or respect it. Maybe that’s why I find thispieceso interesting. I don’t agree with everything here and some …
This Is Funnier Than Any Of The Jokes I’ve Ever Posted Here
Honestly, for all the money in the universe I could not pen something this ridiculous. The Treatment of Bush Has Been a DisgraceBy JEFFREY SCOTT SHAPIRO Earlier this year, 12,000 people in San Francisco signed a petition in support of a proposition on a local ballot to rename an Oceanside sewage plant after George W. …
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A Strangely-Tagged Picture Is Worth A Thousand Levels Of Confusion
Ok, I was reading this story, and came across a picture, which was labeled as “stressed woman.” This label made me so curious. How stressed does she look? Are we talking tear your hair out stressed, or sort of frowning stressed, or going to have an aneurysm real soon stressed? What kind of stressed are …
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Shooting blanks
I always thought phantom limb syndrome, in which you have a limb amputated for some reason, but your brain is convinced it’s still there and you have sensations in the limb that doesn’t exist, would be bad. I can’t imagine having a phantom wang after sex reassignment surgery. the brain is a weird organism, that’s …
Where Have You Been All My Life?
PMSBuddy.com – The free online PMS reminder PMSBuddy.com is a free service created with a single goal in mind: to keep you aware of when your wife, girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter, or any other women in your life are closing in on “that time of the month” – when things can get intense for what …
Hi Ann!
I’ve been chasing one of our commenters around from subject to subject as she tries to introduce herself to me. Problem is – I lose focus quickly and as posts make their way further down the page I tend to forget about them so I keep missing her. So, to that end. Hi Ann! It’s …