This looks like it could have the potential to be kind of neat. The site of the Orwell Prize has a copy of George Orwell’s diaries which he wrote from 1938 to 1942, and is going to publish them in blog-form starting on Saturday. Apparently, there are some pretty mundane details in here, but some …
Category Archives: random
Classic Comedy MP3’s
Right now I’m in the process of downloading a pile of comedy records posted to the always awesome Beware of the Blog by Kliph Nesteroff. there’s stuff here from Robert Klein, Rowan and Martin, Phyllis Diller and a whole bunch of others. So if you’re looking for something better than us to laugh at, go …
If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body, Would You Agree To Not Have Me Jailed?
Thanks to the Toronto Sun, we now know a lot more about the personification of the word douchebag that left the phone messages that I posted yesterday. He goes by the name Dimitri the Lover and has somehow managed to make a pretty successful racket out of giving love advice to men in the Toronto …
Continue reading “If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body, Would You Agree To Not Have Me Jailed?”
The 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches Of All Time
Here’s a really cool comedy history lesson, complete with videos for a bunch of them. Yes, I know rankings like this are subjective and that trying to explain why something is funny is a sure-fire way to make it less so, but there’s some great stuff in here that you probably haven’t seen before or …
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Weird Science
Here is a list of 10 of the strangest scientific studies ever done. Included are such invaluable gems as “The Effect of Country Music on Suicide”, “Rectal Foreign Bodies: Case Reports and a Comprehensive Review of the World’s Literature”, “Safe and Painless Manipulation of Penile Zipper Entrapment”, and many more. Ok, 7 more to be …
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Remember back when I mentioned a virtual haircut? Well, that particular barber has moved along, but you can find him here, along with some other oddities. What phantom words do you hear? Which phoneme is cut out by the cough? How do the scales play in your head? And what do you think of that …
Birthday Or Death Day?
Damn! That’s pretty cool. On the same page that Steve linked to when he found out how likely he was to bite into some friendly flesh, I saw a link where you can find out who died the day you were born. For me,the only person of note who bit the big one that day …
Creepy People AT The Door
I heard about this incident on Roc Rebel Granny. It doesn’t really freak me out that the girls at the door had written down her name and address, but the way they reacted when she said she didn’t want them to have it was downright alarming. Gees! Trying to force their way back in? I’m …
The Monkeysphere
I’ve been meaning to link to this for a while because I think it’s an interesting concept. Since I can’t seem to come up with anything else meaningful to say, I guess now’s the time to get the link up here. There’s an interesting article that tries to explain why we humans have a tendency …
This Is A Real Patent
How much pot were these people smoking? Can I have some?