this is right up there with the fire that stopped production of fireproof products a couple years back. We regret to announce that due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, the publication of The Astrological Magazine will cease with the December 2007 issue. All unexpired subsription amounts will be refunded shortly. We thank all our …
Category Archives: random
We Are The Giant Microbes
At last! At long last! Steve can find Matt some quality ebola for his stocking in the form of a plush toy at the low low price of $8.95. And If Matt is feeling equally, well, warm and fuzzy, he can buy Steve some plush Gonorrhea. Or, if you really like Karl Winter’s stuff, you …
Are We There Yet?
Do you ever find yourself wondering gee, is it Christmas right now? Me neither, but if ever such a thing does happen to you, you now have an easy way to check. Now that seems to be down, this is far and away the new most useless thing on the entire internet. That said, …
The Top 20 Most Bizarre Experiments Of All Time
This is a very interesting and at times very frightening list of some of the strangest scientific experiments ever conducted. While some of them seem like things dreamed up by people who are flat out nuts, quite a few of them offer up a not always flattering glimpse into how the human mind works. #7: …
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It’s a Small World After All, Even Smaller After This Guy Does Some Target Practice.
Remember Carey McWilliams? Well, um, he’s a grad from GDB! Now there’s someone I don’t want to piss off at an alumni convention. He might shoot me!
DVS Is Great, But This Is a Bit Much
Are you a blind person? Do you like pornography, but feel that today’s porn product is neglecting you by not paying attention to your accessibility needs? If so, then boy oh boy do I have a treat for you. Yes indeed, your life changes today. For today is the day that enters your world. …
You Have A Collect Call From…Your Cheap Offspring.
Isn’t this a sad statement? According to snopes, Father’s Day is the busiest day of the year for collect calls. Next in line is Mother’s Day, followed by Valentine’s day. Aren’t we a classy bunch? We can’t even pay a few bucks to say we love our parents and significant others. Tomorrow’s Father’s day, and …
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It’s Never Too Early To Start Your Christmas Shopping
This made me laugh so hard I almost cried. For $21.95 US, you can now get your very own Celebrity Butt Plug. They come in various styles, including George Dubya Tush, Parass Hilton, and the one I thought was most creative, Dingleberry Bonds. They write a good sales pitch too, so good that I almost …
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An Odd Combination Of Things
Every day, I’m either sent or I come across a lot of funny or interesting things. Sadly, a lot of them don’t make it to the site for one reason or another. Sometimes they’re too short to make anything out of. I do 1 line posts from time to time, but you can’t do that …
A Big Geek with a Strange Sense of Humour
Good lord. Leave it to my brother to find geeky but funny links. This one explains why, according to some kind of circuit theory, you should date multiple people at once. I love the way he linked to it. All he’d dare say is, “This link is interesting.” Hmmm. I think he’s afraid to say …
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