Glucometer Manufacturers can be Real Pricks!

I’m doing some research for a friend who is diabetic to help her find a talking glucometer, that thing that tests your sugar levels, and a thought dawned on me. This shouldn’t be as hard as it is! No, hear me out, I’m not just whining. This is a diabetes-control aid. Diabetes has the capacity …

I don’t know Why I’m Telling This Story, but…

It feels like it has to be told, because every time I tell this story to someone, they laugh their ass off. So, since I’ve been writing all day, I figure what the hell. In another post, I mentioned some of the weirdos I went to school with. Well one of them gets a starring …

Cool is the homepage of introduce the sounds of farts."

I’ve spent far too long looking atthis website,but if you go there, and you should, I’m sure you’ll totally understand. While you’re there, be sure to check outtheFart stories,where you can read such touching anecdotes as The Fart Bottle and Farts and Dogs among others,andthe Fart techniques,where you will learn such valuable skills as how …