VC Cares: An Important Lesson In Urination

So I spoke to a guy the other day who did not know how to piss in a urinal. Doesn’t seem that complicated, step up, zip down, flop out and aim in. However, interestingly, this is not the first person that I have spoken to in my travels with this particular problem. So it’s time …

And You Think You’re Having A Bad Day

Read this, and check out the names on these poor bastards. Suddenly the silly jokes people made about my last name when I was a kid aren’t so annoying anymore. Thanks to whoever it was that sent me the link to this. I deleted the email and can’t remember your name now, but full credit …

English As She Is Spoke

“English as She is Spoke” is quite possibly the worst English language phrasebook ever produced. It was published in 1883 by a Portuguese man named Pedro Carolino who didn’t even know how to speak English. In order to compile it, Carolino used a French-English phrasebook and a Portuguese-French dictionary, which leads to a complete mess …

Football, 1984, And Other Things That Have Nothing In Common

Happy Wednesday to all. Wow, what a beautiful day it is outside today. Actually, what a beautiful week this has been. Possibly the nicest week we’ve had all Summer when I stop and think about it. Not too hot, not too humid, sunny, clear, breezy, it’s just about as perfect as weather can get. If …

Things The Internet Can Teach Us All

1. When the cops pull you over and ask you to get out of your car,telling them off and then badmouthing them to the person on the other end of your phone probably isn’t the wisest choice you could make. 2. If you start a website thatallows people to translate phrases into multiple languages and …