Random Bitchfest

I don’t know. I just have a bunch of thoughts, and none of them feel long enough to make posts of their own, so I figured I’d throw them all together to make a bitch stew. So eat up. Ok, some of these were provoked by Steve’s post about the bank machine Braille and the …

More People Who Need To Get Out More

I swear on a stack of, um, ible-bays that I’m not making this up. Somebody has actually taken the time to translate the entire bible into Pig Latin. Don’t believe me? Well click this link and see it for yourself. Only part of it is available on the site right now because of what the …


I was watching the news with a cousin of mine today when he pointed out something that I hadn’t thought about before. A story about the 25th anniversary of the Pope came on and as we watched my cousin turned to me and said something that I’ll never forget. “You know what the difference is …