New ‘Get The Fuck Outta The Road’ Program Aims To Increase Pedestrian Safety
Category Archives: satire
I Always Knew His Day Would Come
NHL Star Called Up To Big Leagues To Play For NFL Team Speaking of hockey, in case you’re stranded someplace and unable to watch the game, Canada is leading Slovenia 4-1 at the beginning of the 3rd. And for anybody who is watching, is the sound messed up on TSN or is there really nobody …
Oh, No,
Commas, Turning Up, Everywhere
Sounds Like He’s Got It Right
President Bush talks about what he learned from his time with the Pope.
He’s Madder Than Hell, But Him I Can’t Blame, If Treated As Poorly, I’d Feel The Same
Here’s reason 38 gazillion 547 why The Onion is the best site on the internet…other than this one of course. Stop Making Movies About My Books By Dr. Seuss Did you learn all but squat from The Cat In The Hat? Please tell me you fired the prick who made that. I would have stopped …
I Have A Dream
Black Guy Asks Nation For Change CHICAGO—According to witnesses, a loud black man approached a crowd of some 4,000 strangers in downtown Chicago Tuesday and made repeated demands for change. “The time for change is now,” said the black guy, yelling at everyone within earshot for 20 straight minutes, practically begging America for change. “The …
Irrepressible Bad Boy Slays Seven
The writing herereminds me way too much of the crap oneTalk Daily,the one ironic difference being that it’s actually entertaining.
At Least It Wasn’t A Full Blown Hullabaloo
87 Killed In Violent Kerfuffle
The Front Fell Off
This is hilarious, not to mention frighteningly close to what it sounds like when real politicians decide to reassure the public.
And Not A Moment Too Soon
Poverty-Stricken Africans Receive Desperately Needed Bibles An exuberant Clarkson said the Bible drop was the culmination of one of the largest and most aggressive grassroots fundraising drives ever undertaken by the organization, which was able to fund the mission largely through local charitable events, such as bake-offs, barbecues, and pie-eating contests. “We absolutely would not …