Did you know that the Heimlich maneuver has only been around since 1974? I sure didn’t. I thought it was much older than that. But that’s just one of the things I came to know while reading news of Dr. Henry Heimlich’s death. I also discovered that while it’s helped countless people save countless lives, …
Category Archives: so long
Are You Tired Of 2016 Taking People From K-Tel? Wait…There’s More!
Man, it’s been a rough few months for K-Tel. First Phil Kives in April, and now Bob Washington, A.K.A. the voice on all those commercials, has passed away at 82 after a battle with cancer. Beyond K-Tel and that he worked in radio for years, I unfortunately don’t know a whole lot about his career. …
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Who’s Going To Represent Kicking Horse Pass Now?
I don’t know why, but the other day I started thinking about Dave Broadfoot. Was he still around? He’s got to be getting up there. When was the last time I really saw him do anything? I always liked him on Air Farce and those TV specials back in the day. I should see if …
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Tonight The Body Let Me Down
Chances are you already know that Merle Haggard died back in April. What you might not know (I didn’t) was that the day he died (April 6th) was his 79th birthday. I imagine when you get to that point you may not think about it all that much, but sitting here pondering it now, it …
D-Composition X
Man, everybody’s dying this year. There are so many that deserve mentioning that I haven’t gotten around to yet because I don’t want to have to change the name of the place to SadnessAndWoe.com. And now to that list we can add Chris Warren, who was either 48 or 49 depending on which report you …
The Tanser Bear Birthday Bash!
It’s almost Tansy’s birthday. The beast turns 5 on Tuesday. Can you believe it? I can’t, and I know it to be a fact. Since I have missed all the other anniversaries this year, it’s time to have a giant Shmans chatter fest. Goddamnit, her life needs to be documented too, even if it has …
Nehemiah’s Story Is At An End
I hate writing these, but this one needs a spot. The weird thing about this story is before about mid March, I had never heard of Nehemiah. Apparently, I had been living under a rock because most people I knew, whether they were tech people, guide dog people, NFB people, newly blind people, or anyone …
Ann Adams Is Gone
It’s been such a good long weekend for me, it’s sad that it’s been less so for others. Last March, I talked about Ann Adams, and hoped she would recover from her massive stroke. Although she seemed to get a little better, she was never able to write on her Facebook or blogs again. After …
Private Memorial $5.99, Public Memorial $7.99!
I don’t remember the last time I saw a K-Tel commercial on TV, but back in the day they used to be every damn where selling every damn thing. Kitchen gadgets, compilation albums with names like Explosive Hits, Hit Machine and Goofy Greats (I think I still possess a cassette copy of that one to …
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Saying Goodbye To Another Cousin
Have you ever wanted to write something down, but whenever you try, nothing will move from head to paper? It’s not because the subject doesn’t interest you, or it is technically complicated or tedious. It’s just that you want to express something and you can’t find the words. This is one of those posts. Back …