Goodbye, Rowdy Roddy Piper

WWE Rowdy Roddy Piper tribute. Somehow it’s been nearly 2 weeks already, but I’m still having trouble believing that Rowdy Roddy Piper is really gone. Man, what a shitty couple of months this has been for wrestling and my childhood. When I first started watching, I had 2 favourite wrestlers. One of them was Hulk …

Abandoned In A Ditchbot

Remember last year when I wrote about Hitchbot? For a while, Hitchbot did really well, going all the way across Canada, Germany and the Netherlands, and I was impressed. Maybe we humans aren’t such assholes. … Then it went to the states, and…someone ended its journey rather violently. Someone ripped off its arms and removed …

So Long Roger Mayer, And Thanks For Saving All The Memories

I just read about the death of one of those largely unfamiliar people who should probably be a household name. His name is Roger Mayer and without him, TV, movies, the internet and I’d even suggest our understanding of history to an extent would be a lot different than it is and not in a …