When you’ve got some time, have a read of this article by former boxing manager Charles Farrell. It’s called Why I Fixed Fights, and as you’d guess from a title like that, it deals in some pretty nice detail with the whys and hows of match rigging. Boxing managers have an obligation to minimize the …
Category Archives: sports
I Said What? You’re Not Deaf?
Not sure where this ranks on the best pranks ever list, but it’s pretty damn good. Jeff Francoeur’s El Paso Chihuahuas teammates managed to convince him for weeks that one of the team’s pitchers, Jorge Reyes, was deaf. They managed to get everyone to go along with it to such a degree that they even …
The Blue Jays Conversation We’re All Having Right Now
How did they get in my brain? Blue Jays Dreams of 2014
Take Me Out To The First Ball Game
If you like baseball, history or both, you’ll probably enjoy this long but worth it piece from Mental Floss. Remembering the First Opening Day at Four Iconic Ballparks It looks at the beginnings of Fenway Park, Ebbets Field (the most famous home of the Brooklyn Dodgers), Weeghman Park (now Wrigley Field) and the old Yankee …
Some Thoughts On Blue Jays Opening Day
So…here we are. The Blue Jays play their first real game of the year today. As years go, this is going to be…a year. I of course have my mandatory opening day optimism, but I seriously can’t get a handle on what my expectations should be. On one hand this team looks an awful lot …
George Stroumboulopoulos On Hockey Night In Canada Probably Isn’t The End Of The World
There’s been a lot of negative reaction to the announcement this week that George Stroumboulopoulos will be the new host of Hockey Night in Canada starting next season when Rogers takes over the rights to all things NHL in Canada. That deal never should have been allowed by the way, since the marriage of Rogers …
Of Course Opening Day Should Be A Holiday. Why Is This Even A Question?
So here’s a stupid question. Does the return of baseball deserve its own holiday? Are bears Catholic? Does the Pope shit in the woods? Of course opening day should be a holiday! I’d also suggest we make holidays out of the start of NHL and CFL seasons while we’re at it. It’s not like me …
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Sorry A Bunch Of Your Friends Died In A Protest, But Don’t Even Think Of Crying About It During Our Party
Other than that bit with the sports, the Olympics are pretty much the absolute worst. Here’s just one more reason why.
Greetings, Sports Fans! You’re All Going To Die!
I haven’t watched a second of NBC’s Olympic coverage, because who does that if he doesn’t have to? Seriously, it’s pretty well always useless and horrible, not even worth the energy it would take to press the remote buttons to get there. But since I am nothing if not a fair man, I will readily …
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CBC’s Olympics App Isn’t Too Shabby With Voiceover
I was just thinking about how odd it is that we’re 5 days into the Olympics and I have yet to say a word about them here. I’ve been keeping up as best I can, but we’re still functioning on one computer for now so my time for writing quickly on a full keyboard is …
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