I Just Learned A New Baseball Rule

Two people have just learned something. Me, and Vinnie Catricala of the Midland RockHounds baseball team. That thing? It is possible to strike out on just 1 pitch. Turns out there’s a rule covering this, but it’s so rarely enforced that almost no one who doesn’t study these things day in and day out knows …

The Best Profile Of Ryan Freel You Will Probably Ever Read

After I posted the what it’s like when a hockey player is traded article last week, I got a tweet telling me that I should read this Brett Popplewell profile piece on Ryan Freel. If you don’t remember who Ryan Freel is, don’t feel bad. You’re not alone. His name hadn’t crossed my mind since …

The Hockey Song. No, Not That One

I just heard this on the radio for the first time in years, it’s now firmly lodged in my brain as it is every time this happens and hockey season starts tonight, so why not? Jughead – the Hockey Song And since that clip mentioned it but then ended without delivering…The Pursuit of Happiness “Gretzky …

People Falling Off Of Ladders On TV

Aside from the one doing the falling, who doesn’t like a good video of someone falling off of a ladder on live television? So here’s Nick Collins of Sky Sports doing just that while reporting on a soccer match. Maybe there’s something I’m not seeing in his face, but when the feed cuts back to …

We’re Getting Shafted On Holidays Again: The Blue Jays 2014 Schedule Edition

I used to point this out quite a bit, but didn’t much harp on it this year…I don’t think. I’m kinda glad I didn’t waste the energy in hindsight, since I don’t remember the last time I gave up on a baseball season quite so hard as I have on this one. Christ, this morning …

Some Bad Losing Streaks And A Good Thing About The Blue Jays

Mercifully, we’re finally nearing the end of the festering shitheap that has been the 2013 Toronto Blue Jays season. It’s been awful, simple as that. It’ll be a miracle if they manage to break the .500 mark or even get close to it. But since I am, believe it or not, somewhat of an optimist, …

For At Least One Night, Being At An Astros Game Wasn’t The Worst Thing About Being At An Astros Game

If Houston Astros fans are an actual species that exists in the wild, I would like to apologize to them for not getting to this before now. I would especially like to apologize if any of them are the type to enjoy a cold, refreshing snow cone at the game now and then. After watching …

We May Not Be Keeping Score, But We’re All Losing

Scoreless soccer games better for kids, Hamilton association says Ontario Soccer Association asks all teams to stop keeping score as of 2014 It doesn’t matter how many times I hear a story like this one, it always bothers me. I took part in a lot of sports when I was a kid. I swam, I …

Grinding Out 1-6-2: Help Fund A Book About Following The Blue Jays Around Next Season

Following a baseball team everywhere it goes for an entire season and writing a book about the experience seems like such an obvious idea once you hear it, so why has nobody come up with it or done it yet? I don’t know, but Neal Smith would like to, and he’d like your help. GRINDING …