Yunel Escobar Is Not A Smart Person And It’s Been Nice Knowing Him

Since I returned yesterday from an in some ways traumatizing but hopefully ultimately successful apartment hunt, all I’ve been hearing about is Yunel Escobar and his homophobic eye black. I don’t want to get all high and mighty about this, because I’d be a serious hypocrite if I did. I think gay jokes can be …

Three Blind Mice, One Angry Umpire

I’d love to see what happened right before the video started so I knew why the best music guy ever played what he played, but even without that context this is still at once fantastic and pathetic. Umpire Ejects Daytona Cubs Music Man Derek Dye In Daytona’s 2-1 win over Fort Myers on August 1st, …

The Travis Snider Trade: It’s Crappy, But Is It?

Remember that time way back in the spring when one of the biggest stories around the Blue Jays was the roster spot competition between Eric Thames and Travis Snider? That feels like so long ago, doesn’t it? And did we ever figure out who won? Thames started the season in Toronto but didn’t last, and …

More On The Blind Archer, Plus Just Where Can I Watch All This Stuff, Anyway?

After yesterday’s post, Ro sent me a pretty interesting article on Im Dong-hyun, the legally blind archer. I’m glad people are asking these questions, even though it seems they’re near impossible to answer definitively. Column: World record, yes. Blind? Not exactly LONDON — The headline sounded too good to be true: “Legally Blind Archer Smashes World …

An Olympics Events Schedule, Plus The Difference Between Blind Blind And Legally Blind

Whether I bother watching a little or a lot of the Olympics has still not been decided, but what I know for sure is that this is about the handiest thing I could have found. Here Is Your Handy Olympic Master Schedule A list of when everything is going to take place, with the added …

After All The Bribery During The Bidding Process, There Must Be No Money Left

Well, doesn’t this just swell the Olympic pride and make the old heart overflow with joy. Cleaners at the Olympic Park are being housed ten to a room at a huge temporary compound. The campsite in East London, hidden from public view, has 25 people sharing each toilet and 75 to each shower. They sleep …

Welcome To The UK, Where Even Watching TV Is Regulated To Death

I’m going to openly show off my ignorance here, but I have a feeling that even if I did have a good understanding of the whys and hows of the British TV licensing scheme I’d still think it was horrendously stupid. Just look at this article on how not to get your workplace dinged £1,000 …

London 2012 Paralympic Games Coverage

We’re all being beaten over the head with reminders about and coverage of the regular Olympics. They start soon, in case you haven’t heard. But the Paralympics, as usual, aren’t getting nearly the time and space. So since we know a few people going over to compete and because these things need all the publicity …