It’s The Occupy VC Cast

Well, it is here. The Occupy VC Cast, the Occucast, whatever you want to call it, it’s here…and it’s about to occupy about 2 hours of your time. It would be awesome if you found it 99% funny. We divided it into 4 parts. It would have been only 3, but well, ya see, I’m …

An Unwritten Rule Of Hockey

I doubt this comes up in many training camps, so here’s a good tip for all you kids out there. If you’re gonna play hockey, always, always! remember which team you’re on. It might just save you a punch in the face during a goal celebration one day. Here’s a description of what’s going on …

Weekend Audio: Lunchless Lunches, Shattered Bowls And Talking Beer Koozies

At longish last, audio is back! This piece should have gone up last week, but due to the small matter of it not being recorded until right now, that didn’t happen. On this here 18.5 minute adventure into something or other, we touch on such topics as the good and bad of the #LunchUpGuelph event …

Running Is Easy When I Take The Bus

I’m in no shape to be making fun of even the most average of marathon runners, but the most average of marathon runners aren’t Rob Sloan. I’m not even sure it’s proper to call Sloan a marathon runner in this case, since he rode a bus the last 9.6 kilometres and then ran out of …

The One Where I Tell You To Vote And Then Ramble About Other Things For A While

I’ll warn you right off the top that this post might be even more disjointed and sucky than usual. I’m a bit distracted by the pain in my right foot and it’s making me cranky. The thing hates me, but if I were it and I’d been injured so many times by me, I’d probably …

Basebrawls And The Man In White

Let’s get today’s horrid Jays game out of our systems with a little bit of baseball history, shall we? Here’s a fun piece on basebrawls from Baseball Prospectus. Number 5 in particular is one for the ages. While we’re on the subject of baseball and since I mentioned the Jays, this whole mysterious sign stealing …

A New Goalball League For Toronto

This was sent my way by our old friend Matt. It sounds like a really good opportunity for people to learn goalball or get another chance to play the game. I hope lots of people take advantage of it. The Ontario Blind Sports Association (OBSA) in partnership with the City of Toronto is proud to …