It’s Safe To Say Your Balls Aren’t Bigger Anymore

Oh for Christ’s sake. Argos pull controversial advertisement. The Toronto Argonauts have pulled an advertisement from city subway cars and stations after receiving complaints that it promotes domestic violence. Oh man, this can’t be good. They didn’t seriously show a giant football player tackling some poor old woman or a dude with a beer gut …

Dear UFC: Do We Really Need 5 Round Main Events On Every Show?

Going by Twitter and nothing more since I haven’t had much of a chance to read anything overly in depth on the subject, people seem pretty happy about the UFC’s decision to bump all of the main event fights going forward up to 5 rounds from 3. Personally, I don’t much care for the idea. …

Even If It Was Standing Still, He Still Wouldn’t Be Quicker Than That Car

You hear stories all the time about people running onto the field at sporting events, but somebody doing it during a Formula One exhibition? That’s a new one. And yes, the obvious reason *why* that’s a new one applies. Formula One driver Sebastien Buemi was in Japan at a Red Bull F1 Exhibition when a …

Bob Cole Calling The Henderson Goal

I don’t think you can live in Canada for any length of time without seeing Paul Henderson’s winning goal from 1972 at least once. It’s shown all the time, and Foster Hewitt’s “Henderson has scored for Canada!” is one of those things everybody seems to know even if they don’t know they know it. But …

A Random Bunch Of Brain Blarf

I stayed up until after 2 AM to listen to the Jays last night. I shouldn’t have. I should have gone to sleep earlier. It still would have been late, but it would have been some extra rest and I wouldn’t have had to se…that. When I thought about turning in for the night, it …


What a neat ideathisis, and I’m sure it’s exactly the sort of thing the smart tech people have in mind when they invent things. For the last 5 years, Kevin Zelko has been selling beer at Safeco Field. He normally does the walking up and down the stadium yelling for people’s attention thing, but now …

The Dead Art Of Nicknaming

Nicknaming is definitely a lost art. I think everybody other than those in charge of nicknaming people knows that. The stuff that passes for good nicknames now is pretty lame, usually consisting of little more than letter from your first name-2 or 3 letters from your last name. Most of the time I just try …

Happy Birthday To Shoe.

So last Saturday we had a party for the shoe thief. Back about a month ago, Shoe turned 40! We wanted to do something special for him, but between Steve feeling sick and one of Shoe’s friends being unavailable because of being on the other side of the world, we put off his party until …