Look Honey, I’m On TV! And My Teeth Are In My Stomach!

This videois a tad old, but I’m posting it anyway because any time a guy on a cellphone stops paying attention and gets cracked right in the face by a ground rule double, it’s good times. That statement goes double if the guy in question happens to be a Yankees fan. Nice work, Rob Johnson. …

For A Change, A Story About Wood That Doesn’t Involve Perverts Getting Arrested

There hasn’t been a whole lot going on around here lately, so here’s a fun article about baseball players and their bats, complete with quotes and stories from several Blue Jays players and coaches. Big leaguers have love-hate affairs with bats

I Want Round 6 And I Want It Now!

Wow! I just finished watching the best MMA match I’ve seen since I don’t know when. If you’re a fan of the UFC and you haven’t seen Anderson Silva vs. Chael Sonnen yet, go do that now, I’ll wait. I’ve never seen Anderson Silva treated that way in my life, and who knows if I …

The Rays Will Strike Out, To Morrow

Were it not for that no good bastard Evan Longoria getting a grounder past Aaron Hill with 2 outs in the 9th, Brandon Morrow would haveno hit the Rays this afternoon.As it was he still pitched an amazing game, striking out 17 and walking only 2. If you had told me at the start of …

Canada Gets A New Sports Channel

In spite of the fact that it’s yet another thing owned by Rogers,Rogers Sportsnet Onesounds good to me. I generally like Sportsnet as a network other than the regional blackouts but those are a fact of life that’s not going away any time soon, and access to more out of market live events is something …

Now If We Can Just Do Something About Having To Dress Up For These Things…

I have found the new smartest man alive, and his name is Randy S. Robbins. I know not what, if anything, Mr. Robbins has accomplished outside of this, but as far as I’m concernedthis letter he wrote to the Philadelphia Daily Newsshould be more than enough. IN OCTOBER 1993, I attended the wedding of a …

Please IOC, Don’t Get Rooked Into This

I’m a little late on this one, but stupidity rarely has a short shelf life and this certainly falls into that category, so here goes. Russia is going topush for chess to become an Olympic sport.And if that’s not retarded enough, they’re going to aim for it to be included in the *Winter* Olympics. “regrettably, …