>First Down…The Hatch

>Since I didn’t watch the Liberty Bowl on TV, perhaps I’ll ask Leonard Paulk or Jonathan Williams how it was. they were both playing in it after all, so I figure they should know. Wait, what’s that you say? They weren’t playing? They’ve both been suspended indefinitely? Why would that be? Goodness, they got into …

Share The Dream And Part With Some Money

Until today, I had never seen this give us 10 bucks and we’ll give you a piece of the SkyDome Roof commercial from 1989. I know I’ve never seen it because if I had, there’s no way I would have ever forgotten it. Yes,the Dome and its retractable roof were a pretty big deal 20 …

Good Morning. Can I Go Back To Bed Now?

I have no idea what I’m writing about here, I’m just writing for the sake of writing. I guess we’ll see how this turns out…wonder if any of you will bother to read it to the end. I hate my body. Yeah, let’s start there. My body can go to hell. Since Carin has to …

And This Little Piggy Went Ow Ow Ow Ow All The Way From the Doctors

I know doing long long marathons can hurt the toenails, but do a lot of people really think of having them permanently removed? Ow ow ow ow ow! Acid poured on the nail beds? Ow oo ee eeee! I think the grossest picture is that of people who only have the mangled ones removed, so …

We Did It! Let’s…Bump Elbows?

I was watching the news, and I saw a story that made me shake my head. They said that because of the swine flu threat, Olympic athletes are being encouraged not to shake hands, do the high 5, or do the cheek-to-cheek kiss thing. Now, they suggest they should do an elbow-tap. Of course there …

>He Shoots, He Sco…No, Wait

>While you’re throwing your Thanksgiving parties, do remember not to start celebrating too early, like the people in this clip for instance.the Top 10 Premature Sports Celebrations. I wish I had more time to sit around thinking and writing. It would be interesting to see how many things I could loosely relate to Thanksgiving in …