For The Sake of Accuracy…And Being A Prick

Just because I’m a goof, I feel like bugging Matt. the other day, Matt said every time the Redskins won the last home game before an election, the incumbent won. Well, I got my handy dandy Snopes newsletter, and apparently that didn’t hold true in 2004. Then again, maybe that was a sign of the …

Friggin’ Weird

Hello! So that’s pretty odd. For most of last week I was unable to log on to the site, or the blogger site which allows us to post. I tried several times over the course of the week and kept getting that “This page cannot be displayed” thing which was getting fairly irritating, since I …

Something Else That Bugs Me and Tampa Wins! Hur…. RAY!

There’s nothing like an awful pun to brighten your day. I’m pretty happy to see Tampa move on. it was a great game last night. If you watched it you’ll know what I mean. The Baseball Gods will always give you your chance if it’s a good game. If you’re getting blown out from start …