Bruce Buffer Is For Shit And Other MMA Thoughts

Informal survey time. Has there ever been a ring announcer worse than Bruce Buffer? If there has I certainly haven’t seen him, because that guy sucks in spectacular fashion. He seriously infuriates me. His wacky mumble voice drives me nuts, and his constant habit of putting the emphasis on the wrong syllables makes me want …

I Always Knew His Day Would Come

NHL Star Called Up To Big Leagues To Play For NFL Team Speaking of hockey, in case you’re stranded someplace and unable to watch the game, Canada is leading Slovenia 4-1 at the beginning of the 3rd. And for anybody who is watching, is the sound messed up on TSN or is there really nobody …

Did We Win?

Three synchronized swimmers made news this week by taking the synchronized part a little too far. The swimmers, who were training themselves to hold their breath for long periods of time,passed out and went under simultaneously. Unfortunately they weren’t triplets [which would have made this even more amusing] but still, I guess it’s true what …

Gold Medal Ass Clowns

What’s wrong with this statement? The national Olympic committees said others should stand up instead of athletes. “Sports should not carry the burden,” said Togay Bayatli, president of the Turkish Olympic Committee. “Our countries are doing business there. Everybody is going there,” Bayatli said, adding it was up to businessmen and politicians to take the …