For The Land Of The Flat, And The Home Of The Tone-Deaf

Holy crap, I’m writing a hockey post. No, steve didn’t hack into my account and write this one. Well, I lied, it’s not really about hockey. It’s about the caterwauling of the national anthems that came before the December 6th game between the Leafs and the Rangers. To summarize, good god it was horrible. It …

This Beats The Donzer Song Any Day

Oh my. I wish something like that could happen with our national anthem. I’m trying to think of what words someone could fuck up to make something nearly this amusing. Hmmm. Anybody got any ideas? Basically, Tony Henry, an English opera singer who spoke 0 Croatian, was askd to sing the Croatian national anthem at …

And While I’m Ragging On Beeping things…

Wow. I’m just on a ragging on things theme aren’t I? This weekend, Steve, Barbie, and I got talking about something that always made me raise my eyebrows whenever I thought about it. The practicality of the beeping baseball. Yep, I said beeping baseball. A long time ago, someone thought it would be great if …

Odd Combination Of Things Number 4

Before we get started, here’s a quick update/correction. Thestory in Things Number 3about the drunk who said a unicorn was driving his car when he had his accidentturns outnot to be quite accurate.There was no unicorn, just misunderstood slang that came out of communications from the prosecutor’s office. Apparently anybody who has a stupid excuse …

Here’s One For The Hockey Fans

Somebody sent this to me years ago and I always thought it was funny, but for some reason I never got around to putting it up. If you’re not a hockey person there’s a chance that you might be about to get totally lost, and if you’re blind and using a screen reader, the best …

So What’s Up With This Jew Thing, Anyway?

So I’ll start this post by making it VERY clear that this is a post of ignorance – and not meant to be an attack of any kind – simply a question. tonight on the news was an interestion story on a very talented young hockey player entering the Quebec Major Junior League. But – …