Tansy Goes Back To Her Roots

This trip happened last summer, but I’m just writing about it now. Way to go, me! But it is one that needs to be written down as an important thing in the life of Shmans. Last July, I planned a trip to Tansy’s puppy raisers’ place. They had invited me down to spend some vacation …

I Found A Good Yoga Class

So, I’ve mentioned a few times in passing that I’ve tried yoga and liked it. It’s been a long time since I’ve done it. I’ve wanted to, but I’m not going to lie, I was nervous about the initial introduction where the instructor potentially freaks out and says she can’t teach me and I’ll take …

It’s Tans And Trix Talk Time!

I am so overdue on doggy talk, and we just marched through that time of the year where there is a cluster of dog anniversaries for both Trix and Tans, so it’s a good time to talk about both beasts. Well, I guess I can officially stop worrying about Tans pulling a LaniJo. She has …

A Giant Shmans Update

Tans is pretty long overdue for an update, so off we go. Back in June, we had our follow-up, and for the first time, it wasn’t with Chuck. Because his coverage area is so huge, he’s started sending people to do follow-ups, unless I guess the person has a huge problem or he’s in the …

Rogers Centre Fan Assist: This Fan Thanks You For Your Assistance.

A few weeks ago, Steve and I went to another Blue Jays game, one of the last games of the season. That was a fun game to watch. But the reason I’m writing about it is because we learned about a service offered by the Rogers Centre that’s pretty cool, and I wish it was …

Aww What An Adorable Wheelchair!

I saw this video, laughed, and then thought it made a great point. Now, doesn’t that look ridiculous? And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all those things happen, if not directly to me, then to someone else I know who has a service dog. It adds another dimension to the no petting the dog rule. …

The Tanser Bear Birthday Bash!

It’s almost Tansy’s birthday. The beast turns 5 on Tuesday. Can you believe it? I can’t, and I know it to be a fact. Since I have missed all the other anniversaries this year, it’s time to have a giant Shmans chatter fest. Goddamnit, her life needs to be documented too, even if it has …

Loving This Story About Loving Lani

Someone shared this sweet post about someone’s guide dog whose career ended way too soon, and it gave me a little scare. LaniJo, that crazy dog, sounds a lot like the Shmans, who is snoring here beside me. I would have to ask Steve, does she sound a little crazier than Shmans, even? But the …

Thanks from Tansy to Trixie

One thing I neglected to talk about in the latest holiday wrap-up was the fact that Tansy inherited a couple of gifts I gave to Trix that she didn’t care for. She got the neat-looking squeaky duck, andthe much-sought-after Skineeez raccoon that Tans stole from Trix over and over again. Today was kind of a …