Use Your Imagination Is Very Good Advice

If the police pull you over, end up searching your vehicle and finding a bunch of drugs, maybe trying to pin the stuff on some guy to whom you had recently given a ride and the vehicle’s real owner might seem like it’s worth a shot. But if you’re going to do that, be very …

Can We Just Build A Wall Around America And Be Done With It?

I know people don’t much like the word in this context anymore, but this is retarded. Completely and utterly fucking retarded. So retarded that actual retarded people would look at the person who would make a decision like it and say “what are you, retarded?” A federal judge has struck down Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s …

Stay Off The Phone

A couple items worth noting from the Record’s latest OPP Roundup. On Sept. 4 at 2:30 p.m., police saw a motorist using a cellphone while driving on Highway 401 in Thames Centre, near London. When they pulled over the car, police found $800,000 worth of dried, packaged cannabis and $130,000 in cash. A Toronto man, …

You’ll Be Fine. It’s Exaggerated, Remember?

I can’t imagine there not being a dumb lawsuit over this at some point, because that’s generally what happens when dumb people like Phillip Dupaul do dumb things and then have to face the possibility of perhaps facing the music. Dupaul is one of those guys who won’t wear a mask because the pandemic is …

Just Wear The Damn Mask. And If You Honestly Can’t, Just Say So

Perhaps some of you might remember a website from years ago called the Biggest Idiot On The Internet. It’s sadly not around anymore, but if it was I’m pretty sure Letitia Montana here would have today’s win sewn up. Went into the Emergency Dept. at St Joseph’s Hospital in #Toronto for a suspected broken finger. …

Walking Around ON Spaghetti Legs

I don’t know what this guy’s situation was ( either broke and hungry or total asshole seem like good bets), but whatever it was, it maybe should have been obvious that stuffing a container of piping hot spaghetti down his pants wasn’t going to be the best way to improve it. The footage shows …

You Can’t Half Your Cake And Eat It Too

I give this woman, or perhaps just her giant testicles, bonus points for trying. Yeah, definitely just the nuts. The rest of her *is* nuts and gets no bonus points for thinking this would work. The suspect, who has not been identified, entered the bakery section of the store and proceeded to eat half of …