They Do Say The Guilty Always Sleep, But Isn’t That Supposed To Be After They Get Caught?

When I first saw this story, I didn’t care about it, but upon closer inspection, I can’t stop laughing. I laughed so hard that Steve wondered what was so goddamn funny. Well, what do you think of the image of a couple of drunken fools breaking into a store, stealing a bunch of patio furniture, …

The Truth About Stupidity Is Out There

Uh, um, what? There’s a man out there who….*tries to stop laughing* who…*cackles* can’t tell the difference between…*doubles over howling* a flying saucer and…hahahahahahahaha…*snort* the moon! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! I bet he felt stupid after his call was held up as an example of the kind of call that 999 doesn’t need to take. If he didn’t, …

One Thing She Can’t Take Pride In Is Her Stupidity

Ok, this is the reverse of that woman who sent her kid to school with a twisted anti-racism shirt on. This one actually drew a swastika on her daughter’s arm. The kid drew the first one, the teacher scrubbed it off, so mommy dearest drew it back on. Now Children’s Aid took her and her …

The Only Place She Should Be Driving Is On A Golf Course

Uh, yikes. Teresa Clarke finally passed her driver’s test. The only problem is she’s 62, has been trying for 27 years, has needed to pay about $30000 to 20 different driving instructors for driving lessons, and failed 12 times before she passed. Hmm. that’s a lot of problems. We’ve gotta pray that all that instruction …

Smart Girl, Dumb Dude

What kind of dumbass would rape a woman and then give her his phone number? Michael K. Mahoney, that’s what kind. He’s also the kind of dumbass who would bite his mother on the breast area over baseball cards and hide behind a partition during his arraignment. What I really want to know is what …

Guess What, We Have Traps For That Now

You’re not gonna believe this, but there are people out there who see nothing wrong with using a .44 magnum to kill mice. And I’m sure you’ll be stunned by this one too, these people live in a trailer. And just to complete the trifecta, the mice appear to have survived unharmed, naturally. The woman, …

What Were They Expecting, Recipes And Laundry Tips?

Russia bans 1950s-era book about Hitler by U.K. historian: report A history book about Adolf Hitler has been banned in Russia because it includes quotes insulting to Russians and Jews, according to a report. Prosecutors said Tuesday that a Russian court has banned the 1953 book Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944 by British historian Hugh Trevor-Roper. …

I’m Surprised He Didn’t Have Golf Clubs With Him Too

It’s things like this that make me wonder why I bother getting up every morning. A man was hit by lightning and killed during Tuesday night’s violent thunderstorm in Toronto. Witnesses said the 29-year-old man was struck while taking shelter under a tree at Christie Pits in central Toronto at about 8 p.m. An autopsy …

I Did What? I’m Seeing Judge Who?

The story of Brett Tyler Schatte would have been a pretty good one even without being able to play the name game. I mean you know it’s been a hell of a night when you’re finally hauled into the clink after walking naked into a convenience store at 10 to 3 in the morning, eating …

Who Wins The Medical Stupidity Prize?

Ok, so now we have a stupidity war. We have penis cream stupid versus ozone treatments via vaginal blowing stupid. Yeah, and going up and down on the bed and saying “Oh boy!” is necessary, too. And the woman’s dead now. Where was her common sense? This guy must be a total scumbag. I’m sure …