So I Guess They Didn’t Make The Sale Then?

Marcel Perot is a smooth operator. He decided to take a truck for a test drive. The salesman came with him, as he drove to the bank. He said he needed money to buy the truck. Well, I guess he did. But when he went in the bank, he decided to get his money by …

Now His Whole Living-Room Is Cooked

Ok, this has got to go in the stupid cooking files. AT least this guy survived. Why would you keep a deep-fat fryer near your sofa? Well, Manuel Douglas now knows why this is a bad idea. I still don’t understand why police broke windows after they’d gotten him out. Maybe they thought there were …

Call Me Now For A Free Children’s Aid Investigation

Ok, here goes. I gave myself some time after I read the story before I posted, in hopes that I would be able to be a little more articulate. Apparently, that’s not happening. Every time I think about this, my brain flits around and all I get are short snippets of thought. The words “What …

Wow, What A Small Guide Dog!

Remember how I talked about how I get asked a lot if Trixie is fully trained? This usually happens after an embarrassing incident. Well, here’s a new twist on it. I’ve now heard that puppy raisers get asked when they’re walking through places with the puppy they’re raising if they’re blind! Now that one is …

Maybe The Cellphone Rotted His Brain

I can’t decide what’s funnier. Is it the fact that Stuart Gardner came back to the house he burgled a few days before to ask the owner if the owner could give him back the mobile phone he dropped at the crime scene, or the fact that the 74-year-old owner of the invaded home said, …

This Vacation Is Gonna Be A Blast!

Who comes up with this shit? A new policy from the much loved and well respected US Transportation Security Administration states that people who refuse to present ID will no longer be allowed to board airplanes. However, if you say that you’d love to present it but you just can’t find it right now,that’s just …