Haw Haw Haw Haw Haw!

A dipshit German couple has had their 8-month-old baby taken into state custody and are facing possible charges of child trafficking afterlisting the boy for sale on eBayover the weekend. According to Reuters, a number of people contacted German authorities after spotting the offer on eBay. “Baby–collection only,” the post read. “Offering my nearly new …

That’s The Best He Can Come Up With?

Toronto Mayor David Miller hasannounced plansto ban shooting ranges and gun clubs because he thinks closing them down will help put an end to gun violence in the city. Of course he’s absolutely right, because history has unquestionably shown how dangerous Olympic athletes and gun collecting hobbyists have been to our existence over the years. …

Thanks For The Free Weed, Dumbasses

Dog misses planted drugs in Japan, customs embarrassed A customs agent hoping to test Narita airport’s sniffer dogs put 142 grams of cannabis into the side pocket of a randomly selected suitcase, officials said. “The dog couldn’t find it and the officer [then] forgot which bag he put it into,” a spokeswoman told journalists in …

That’s Never Happened Before

If you’ve ever wondered what exactly makes a person a life-long premature ejaculator, now you know. The definition was developed after lengthy critical evaluation of the evidence presented in more than 100 studies on the sexual problem published over the last 65 years. It was unanimously agreed by the experts that the definition of lifelong …

Friends Don’t Let Themselves Drive Drunk

Some of you might remember thestory of Pat Dykstra,the woman who called 911 from behind the wheel of her car to report that she was too drunk to drive. Well, strange as it sounds, and to me it sounds quite strange because I can’t remember 1 case of this in my lifetime let alone 2 …

And Like Magic, Everybody Looks Dumb

We have an update on the wizard supply teacher, this one even more disconcerting than the first story, but for different reasons. The first story said Jim Piculas was fired for wizardry. Now this story claims there’s more, and I can understand some of it being somewhat more serious. I’m still not sure if immediate …

Up The Creek, Even With A Paddle

I’m sure most of you reading these words already know this, but for the benefit of everybody else, here’s a helpful tip from your friends at Vomit Comet World HQ. If your plan is to get drunk with some friends and then take a stolen canoe out for a joyride, it’s a good idea to …

I Hope These Kids Aren’t Home Schooled

How this woman’s children have lived to be 16 and 21 and how she made it all the way to 43 are a complete mystery to me, but it’s another example of my long held belief thatyou can’t kill the truly stupid. Woman Hurt Stepping Out of Moving Car According to the Saline County Sheriff’s …

I’m Not Sure What’s Weirder, The Actions Or The Reporting Of The Actions

I’m having one of those there has to be more to the story moments here. By all accounts, Matthew Evans was a pretty bright kid. Good grades, involved in lots of different activities, well liked by those around him. So it makes no sense that the following line would appear in an article about him. …

Lessons You Shouldn’t Need To Learn

Bonnie Ashley says she wasn’t dumb, she was desperate when she got married 11 times, each ending in divorce, and the last three marriages/divorces were with the same man. But I can’t help but disagree with her. Let’s look at a few choice quotes from the desperate woman herself. “I was desperate, not dumb,” Ashley …