Ok, if you forge a lottery ticket, and you can’t get it to scan at the lottery machine at the gas station where you work, accept that you did a bad job at forging it. Don’t march it down to the Lottery Commission to file a claim. If you do, you’ll probably end up screwed, …
Category Archives: that was dumb
A Prickly Situation
Why, oh why, oh why, would you run from police by rolling through cactus? Oh the pain! The pain! Surely, an arrest couldn’t be that bad! I guess the reason why he did it was stated in the article. “I am so stupid…” Yes, yes you are.
I Couldn’t Come Up With Things This Stupid If They Paid Me
It’s amazing. Just when you start thinking that maybe the folks at the RIAA might be growing a clue, something like this hits the news. According to RIAA technology head David Hughes, digital rights management software is not dead, and even though the trend now is to sell regular mp3’s that people can use when, …
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30-24? Is That A First?
Being the punctual guy I am, I’m just now getting around to watching UFC 83. It’s been an historic show for a number of reasons. It’s the first time UFC has come to Canada and judging by the crowd it won’t be the last. It set a new UFC attendance record so yeah, they’ll likely …
This Is Your Job. Now You See It, Now You Don’t.
Ok, we have substitute teachers screwing kids, and we want to fire one over a magic trick witha toothpick? Let’s get our priorities straight. They claim there was other stuff, but all of that sounds perhaps reprimand-worthy, not requiring termination. This is just weird.
How Much Is ThatDoggy Through The Windshield?
Doesn’t everybody know that you shouldn’t drive a car with Sparky the chihuahua on your lap? Doesn’t everybody realize that that could lead to an accident if Sparky moves unexpectedly and causes you to strike the gas or brake, or jumps down and hits it himself? But when a bill was proposed to ban the …
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Sory, Don’t Try Again
An almost aptly-named kid who is now dead after racing a train with his skateboard is Jonathan Sory. I bet he’s really sorry about making that decision. But what I can’t figure out is why the company who runs the train is busy being sorry. Anyone who races a train is an idiot. Unless the …
Italian Tax Officials Make Identity Theft Easy
Hey there Massimo Romano, director of Italy’s tax office, what were you smoking when you decided to post everyone’s tax info on a site that anyone could look at? In an era of identity theft, in what universe did you think this was a good idea? Even without identity theft, since when was posting people’s …
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Mike’s Hard Lesson
I’m glad we have services in place to protect kids, when they work. It’s too bad they either don’t notice abuse going on until it is too late, or snatch kids seemingly unnecessarily. Somehow, Christopher Ratte didn’t realize he had bought his 7-year-old son Leo Mike’s Hard Lemonade at a ballgame. He asked for lemonade, …
A New Target For Shoplifters
What’s with this trend? We had HomeDepot employees not allowed to chase down shoplifters. Now, Target has a policy that says security guards can’t stop shoplifters unless they’re one of the ones designated to do so, and if you’re not, even if you’re trying to stop a teen from stealing booze, you will be fired, …