What’s with this trend? We had HomeDepot employees not allowed to chase down shoplifters. Now, Target has a policy that says security guards can’t stop shoplifters unless they’re one of the ones designated to do so, and if you’re not, even if you’re trying to stop a teen from stealing booze, you will be fired, …
Category Archives: that was dumb
Is The Dictionary Sexually Explicit Because It Contains The Word Sex?
If you’re thinking about opening a bookstore, or anything that sells anything bookish in Indiana, you’d better take a long, hard look at your content, because as of July, a new law states that if you’re going to sell anything that even remotely is in the ballpark of sexually explicit, you have to pay a …
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To Read Post, Go To Blog
It’s funny how a few words can speak volumes about the state of our world and how much stupidity is in it. Just recently, we finally got Bell to fix some pretty expensive errors they’d made in our bill. In an attempt to make up for the errors, they offered us a whole pile of …
She’s Pretty Mean With A Screwdriver
Hmmm. You would think it would take less than an hour and a half for the guy breaking into the house of a 95-year-old woman who was confined to a wheelchairto realize that she could reach out and stab him through that window, so maybe he should choose another way in. But he didn’t, and …
>Alligator Stew-Pidity
>You know, when you decide to rob a mobile home, bringing a six-foot alligator along for the ride probably isn’t a good idea. What did he think. Did he think the alligator would defend him? Did he think the police would just let him go by because he had an alligator in the back seat? …
This Story Doesn’t Hold Any Water
Ok, a while back, I read a story about a guy, Chad Hudgens, a member of a sales team, who was held down while his team leader poured water down his nose as part of some kind of team-building exercise where he urged the team to work as hard to sell as Hudgens had to …
You Are Getting Sleepy…Sleepy…And Stupid…
From the country that brought you legalized public sex in the park comes wackiness of such a degree that it has to be a product of all that legalized pot. Unemployed Dutch people are being forced to sign up for what is being called past-life therapy in the hopes that getting in touch with old …
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Smile For The Camera And Say "Stupid!"
You know, if you’ve just had your portrait done, you should pay the bill, because chances are you’d be pretty easy to identify, since the people you stiffed still have your portrait. I love the term photo fools.
The Best Laid Plans…
Ya know, it’s great to plan ahead. But when it comes to robbing a convenience store, maybe calling to make sure there’s cash in the till before you drive down there isn’t such a good idea. The scary thing is it worked in two previous robberies! How does that happen. Someone calls saying he’s coming …
It’s Just Nuts!
I know you can be convicted of real crimes, but imitation crimes? Why on earth would you charge someone with possession of an imitation controled substance? It was crushed peanuts! That was all! But the guy’s in jail.