A New Target For Shoplifters

What’s with this trend? We had HomeDepot employees not allowed to chase down shoplifters. Now, Target has a policy that says security guards can’t stop shoplifters unless they’re one of the ones designated to do so, and if you’re not, even if you’re trying to stop a teen from stealing booze, you will be fired, …

Is The Dictionary Sexually Explicit Because It Contains The Word Sex?

If you’re thinking about opening a bookstore, or anything that sells anything bookish in Indiana, you’d better take a long, hard look at your content, because as of July, a new law states that if you’re going to sell anything that even remotely is in the ballpark of sexually explicit, you have to pay a …

She’s Pretty Mean With A Screwdriver

Hmmm. You would think it would take less than an hour and a half for the guy breaking into the house of a 95-year-old woman who was confined to a wheelchairto realize that she could reach out and stab him through that window, so maybe he should choose another way in. But he didn’t, and …

This Story Doesn’t Hold Any Water

Ok, a while back, I read a story about a guy, Chad Hudgens, a member of a sales team, who was held down while his team leader poured water down his nose as part of some kind of team-building exercise where he urged the team to work as hard to sell as Hudgens had to …

You Are Getting Sleepy…Sleepy…And Stupid…

From the country that brought you legalized public sex in the park comes wackiness of such a degree that it has to be a product of all that legalized pot. Unemployed Dutch people are being forced to sign up for what is being called past-life therapy in the hopes that getting in touch with old …

The Best Laid Plans…

Ya know, it’s great to plan ahead. But when it comes to robbing a convenience store, maybe calling to make sure there’s cash in the till before you drive down there isn’t such a good idea. The scary thing is it worked in two previous robberies! How does that happen. Someone calls saying he’s coming …