Maybe We Should Send Him To China

I’m having one of those there oughta be a law moments after reading about this idiot. Seriously, everyone involved in this trip, from passengers to flight crew to ground workers all the way down to the people who laid the foundation for the factory where the plane was built should get to punch him. He …

Petty Criminal

It’s bad enough that you forget to put your mask on before you start robbing the dollar store, but it’s even worse when the dollar store you’re robbing is the one your girlfriend works at and people know you there. Also unhelpful? Said girlfriend making comments around other employees about you being in a gang …

Yes, I get Hung Up ON Little Things Sometimes. Kiss My Glute Region

I did get a chuckle out of these dunderheads driving their stolen car full of drugs straight into a RIDE program checkpoint, but I’m more hung up on the fact that somebody involved with either the creation of this news brief or the police press release it’s almost certainly sourced from decided to use the …

Stick Around For Our Master Chef Panel, Featuring People Who Can’t Not Ruin Kraft Dinner

There are times when a thing happens, there is a backlash to that thing and I’m left struggling to figure out how and why anyone could possibly get so worked up about the thing. There are also times when no struggling is necessary. Times like when a security conference puts on a panel discussion about …

Today In Just Plead Guilty, Dude

David Antonison was recently found guilty of attempted murder and a few other charges for unloading some bullets from a .44 into the home of neighbours Bruce and Joyce Coghill during a dispute over the location of some dog crap. Why we needed a trial though I’m not really sure, because this, apparently, was the …

On The Bright Side, You’ll Be Able To Watch Your Career Go Down The Toilet

New Jersey man found camera taped to urinal at his company’s office, suit says The employee who found the camera claims that after he reported the incident anonymously, the company retaliated against him. A few quick observations here. Gross. If the discovery of the camera happened the way Jason Savage says it did, David Swerdloff …

The Gun, Unlike His Brain, Did Not Contain Blanks

Judge says he ‘never heard of something that breathtakingly stupid in my life’ in father’s shooting of son If this is the stupidest thing his honor has ever heard he must be either sheltered or new, but this is pretty dumb, I’m not gonna lie. As his son approached him, Voight yelled, “Rafael, tell me …

Dumb People Are Trying To Ruin Deadspin

I know it’s dumb people, because if your grand idea is to buy something that’s both unique and popular and then set about draining it of much of what makes it unique and popular, you are a dumb person. Deadspin works precisely because it doesn’t stick to sports. Don’t get me wrong, it can be …

At Least Whoever Ended UP With That Ball Will Have A Dumb Story To Tell

Poor Anderson Feliz is going to have a hard time living this one down. Woof. The Minors gave us one of the weirdest walk-offs you'll ever see. @swbrailriders' Breyvic Valera hits what appears to be a game-tying double, but Norfolk's right fielder forgets how many outs there are…. (via @MiLB) — Cut4 (@Cut4) June …

Oh Hey Look, An Accident!

I hope this person feels like the absolute geek he is. Shame his name was left out of the news release. Driver rubber-necking a collision causes another collision: Police On Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019 at 3:45 p.m., Guelph Police were investigating a motor vehicle collision on Speedvale Avenue West at Dawson Road when a passing …