Wrong Number, Big Mistake

Ya know, if you’re going to call a friend at midnight to announce that you killed all the bad guys in your videogame by saying “I have killed them all”,ya might wanna triple check that you’re dialing the right number, Especially if you’re Thomas Ballard, who has an outstanding warrant for his arrest. It wasn’t …

You’re All Sick Puppies

People are nuts. Just nuts. There’s a video floating around about a marine picking up a puppy and supposedly heaving it over a cliff. We don’t even know if any puppy was truly thrown because a lot is left to the imagination, or at least that’s how it seems according to Snopes’s description of the …

Maybe He Spent Too Long In The Spin Cycle

Ok Aron Pritchard. There are only two conclusions I can draw from this story. If you actually believe that putting toddlers in a dryer is a fun activity, then you are too stupid to be near anyone vulnerable. If you don’t, but expect we will, then you’re a lying sack of shit, and you’re also …

If That’s Not A Security Breach, I don’t Know What Is

Wow. Gary Sinnott is a far more honest man than I. If I had a website that was similar to that of a naval base, and people were too stupid to verify where they were sending confidential emails, and the emails were getting to me, and I’d let the military know and they said “na, …

Shockingly Stupid

Ok, who thought this idea would work? Can I zap them too? In Wales, there’s a woman who can’t stop calling 999 and uttering fake bomb threats and such. Thelma Dennis often does this when she is drinking. So, after 60 convictions, they decide to try a weird therapy on her. They tape electrodes to …

The Peace Temple, Or The Piece Temple?

What is it exactly about a monk slipping under a lawnmower that was in disrepair that keeps making me laugh? Is it the fact that that monk was the one responsible for the machine’s maintenance? Did he not repair it because he thought God would protect him if he slipped under it? Is it the …

Alright Gentlemen, Put Your Hands Together For Busted!

I’m not posting this because I find it odd that somebody would go as far as faking a carjacking to try to keep out of trouble even though I’ve never understood doing that because it never works, I’m posting this because the idea of a 27-year-old stripper doing so because she lives with her parents …

Today’s Dose Of Hahahahahaha!

Ok, the way I thought things happened was if you worked hard at something, it paid off. But that certainly didn’t happen for this guy who hated seatbelts. He went to all the trouble of rigging up something to make it look like he was wearing a seatbelt. What happened to him? He died in …