Can someone tell me something? Why on earth would you a. clean your hands with gasoline and b. leave the can of gas on your stove? Ya know, with an open flame? The trailer, which the Pompano beach woman had just finished painting, is now gone, but luckily she got out with only minor burns. …
Category Archives: that was dumb
Tax Dollars Well Spent
Federal minister apologizes for joke he’s not sure he told Federal Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn has apologized for a joke he’s not sure he made, responding to a complaint from a politician who didn’t hear it. Joan Burke, Newfoundland and Labrador’s education minister, demanded Hearn apologize Wednesday for telling what she called a sexist joke …
Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh, What Intense Pain It Is
Hey there Chrystal Kolinski! Explain something to me. Please explain this, because I cannot wrap my head around it. If you met a random man in an adult video store, and you became friends with him, and he kept asking you to drink some random fluid and capture you on film doing it, wouldn’t you …
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More Things And More Stuff
Wow. Two random thought posts in one week? That doesn’t happen very often. Off we go. Last night, we were doing the old flip around the music channels thing again, aren’t we predictable? This time, what grabbed our attention was an English kids’ song. It sounded like that song “The Wheels on the Bus Go …
Dumb And Hummer
Ya know, if ya steal a hummer from another state, that vehicle shouldn’t be your vehicle of choice to use to transport you to the welfare office to collect benefits.
Is The Nimrod A Thing Or A Person?
Note to self. If I ever end up on an oil rig near Scotland, I should never tell anyone about my wacky dreams. They might freak out and evacuate the place. That’s what happened when one woman had a dream about a bomb being on the platform. They went nuts, called in helicopters, reconnaissance crafts, …
>TV? Check. Pants? Doh!
>Here’s a note for the droopy drawers bandit. Maybe, instead of stealing TV’s, he should steal some pants.
They’ve Got the Vote Early Part Down…
What’s up with all the confusion around when people are supposed to vote in the U.S. this year? Now we have folks showing up a half-hour…and a week early in Milwaukee, and 1000 people calling Dallas officials about where to vote last Tuesday except they don’t vote for a month. I’m glad people want to …
Knock Knock. Who’s There? A Dumbass.
Ok then! A guy follows a lady up to her apartment, forces his way in, tries to sexually assault her, she fights him off, and he…leaves and says he’ll be back within the hour? She calls the cops, a cop shows up, he comes back, knocks on the door, at which point she identifies him …
My Beer? My Kid? Tough Choice!
Wow. First we had guys buckling their beer in but endangering themselves, now we have women buckling in their beer and endangering their children! I can’t believe there would be two incidents of folks seatbelting cases of beer instead of people, but there they are.