The Wheels On the Bus Go…Something Something Something

There’s a part of me that wonders if this is a hoax, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s not to assume that things this stupid are impossible, so… Stagecoach has put together a book of instructions for people who have forgotten how to catch and use busses because they’ve spent …

Maybe They Should Steal Some Brains

Attention car thieves: If you’re stealing a car to get to your anti-car theft counselling sessions, it’s time to go to jail, boys. I don’t understand why these kids were getting counselling if they’re the worst offenders in the car theft department you can find. And that story about it being too cold to walk? …

They Should Have Idiot Proofed It While They Were At It

A so-called “theft proof” police car worth about £75,000 was stolen from the Berlin Police force recently when 2 officers left it unlocked and unattended with the keys still in the ignition while they tried to chase down a separate car thief. According toAnanova,not only did they wind up losing the car, but the suspect …

What a Boob! And I’m Not Talking About The Mannequin

Ok, I love this story, both because it involves a guy getting his weener stuck in a mannequin’s boobs, and because British writing is some beautiful stuff. How often do you see the word “whinging” in a news article? Yup, this guy bought a plastic model of a female bust, sold by a company who …

This Is So Stupid I Don’t Have A Title For It

An unidentified 22-year-old Town of Waukesha man could soon be facing various weapons charges after committingone of the stupidest crimes in recent memory. The trouble started on New Year’s day when a car carrying the man and 2 passengers went into a ditch. A passing police officer offered assistance and allowed the man to sit …

The Holiday Post AT A Not So Holiday Time

Ok, so it’s January 15 and I’m finally writing a post about Christmas and such. Um, I suck. Hopefully I don’t end up boring people to death. Christmas was actually a pretty good one. Usually, it consists of being run ragged doing a 300-mile trek to see my mom’s side of the family…and then potentially …

2007 Darwin Awards

These are the real ones as published by, not the ones from the stupid emails that everybody likes to send out all the time. You know, the ones that for some reason have the same fake stories in them every year? RUNNER UP # FIVE: THE LAPTOP STILL WORKS (Confirmed True by Darwin) “Driving is …

Yup, He’s A Moron, No Question About It

I guess when you’re last name is moron, you’re doomed to do moronic things like, oh, say, getting drunk and driving your truck into someone’s house. I admit it has gotta suck when your name is Bryan Scott Moron. What a life that creats for you, even if you’re not prone to do stupid things.