Weekend At Dipshit’s

Every time I see the title of this story, I start laughing. You’ll see why. If your room-mate croaks, and you really want his social security cheque, but the dude at Pay-O-Matic says he needs to see said room-mate, whatever you do, don’t wheel him down the street in an office chair before you go …

No Brains, All Hart

Wow. This guy would feel pretty stupid in the morning. Jeremy Hart showed up drunk to rob a house, wearing a red Santa hat among other things, ploughed his car into a snow bank, only took prescription drugs and votive candles, and when he went to leave, he discovered he couldn’t get out of said …

Bluetooth Brings Orange Jumpsuit

This guy was not meant to rob the Wendy’s. It just wasn’t going to happen. First, he found out the safe was time-locked so he’d have to wait. Then his screams not to anser the phone activated the bluetooth headset on someone’s cellphone, which made the person on the other end of the phone call …

DNA, Baby, That Spells Hahahahahahahahahah!

This is just too funny. James Watson, one of the guys who figured out DNA and its structure, started making racist assumptions and trying to back them up with science. He said that Africans, and black Americans who descended from them, just weren’t as smart as white people. Then, he decided to put his genome …

It’s Chr***mas Time In The City

This right here boggles my mind, so please, everybody on the bus as we travel down the road to absurdity. Ottawa’s Elmdale Public School created controversy recently when it was learned that teachers had decided to change the lyrics to one of the songs that was to be sung during a holiday singalong assembly. the …

It’s That Time Of Year Again

Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch [M-LAW[ has announced the winners of this year’s Wacky Warning Labels Contest, and as usual, there are some doozies. “DANGER: AVOID DEATH” WARNING WINS TOP PRIZE IN M-LAW’S ELEVENTH ANNUAL WACKY WARNING LABEL CONTESTA label on a small tractor that warns, “Danger: Avoid Death,” has been chosen as the nation’s most …

>Since We’re Not Helping Anybody, You Might As Well Help Yourself

>Maybe it’s just me, but something about the idea ofcops sticking yellow tickets to parked cars that have visible packages inside of themsounds more like crime assistance than prevention. They can say they’re trying to help remind people to better secure their purchases all they want, but there has to be a better way of …

Time For A Newsflash! We’re Not That Dumb!

I was reading the CNIB Insight newsletter that I somehow got subscribed to. I won’t unsubscribe because that newsletter told me about the talks phone deal that got me to get a new cell phone. But today’s newsletter was full of gems. It’s Christmas, so CNIB was in full begging mode, so much so that …

She’s Havin’ MyBaby

I’ve seen firsthand how crazy new parents can be, but I can’t think of any I’ve met who would be neurotic enough to shell out money for the crap featured onthis list of the most ridiculous baby products of the year.Fake hands? A crying analyzer? Knee pads so the little guy doesn’t hurt himself learning …