Which Is Lower, The Temperature Or Your IQ?

The Cool Cash lottery game has been pulled from stores in the UK after a number of complaints from angry customers whofailed to grasp how it worked. The game, unveiled late last month, required players to scratch off a window to reveal a temperature. If that temperature was lower than another figure shown on the …

Spineless Robber May Have Less Of A Spine Now

Wow. I’m sure the robber in this story wasn’t expecting to be shot in the neck by a 75-year-old blind man. I’m wondering if the shooter was Carey McWilliams’ grandfather. I guess that blind man was a good shot. The shootee is in serious condition with a bullet lodged close to his spine and they …

Shall We Head To The Graveyard Of Bad Ideas?

I need somebody to explain thisAnti-Groping Applithing to me, because I’m just not getting it. Snip from the article, which is trying but failing: The application flashes increasingly threatening messages in bold print on the phone’s screen to show to the offender: “Excuse me, did you just grope me?” “Groping is a crime,” and finally, …

Hammering The Point Home That He’s An Asshole.

Here’s a story for ya. 57-year-old Jayantibhai Patel was living with his father and caring for him. He was thinking of heading back to India and his father didn’t want to move with him. So he thought maybe this would be a good time to put dear old Dad in a nursing home. Unfortunately for …

How Loud Was She Screaming At Her toilet?

If you live in Scranton, Pa. Next time you want to move to a new place to live, a good question to ask is “How thin are the walls?” Another one would be “are their any prickish cops living near me?” If they’re too thin and the answer to question no. 2 is yes, you …

Did Dr. Mom Get her Medical License Out Of A Box Of Crackerjacks?

The U.S. has recalled a whole bunch of cough medicines designed for kids under 2. Why? Is it because they have some toxic chemical in them? No. Is it because a study found out some unexpected side-effect happens when kids take them? No. It’s because parents don’t know what they’re doing, so they give their …

Ths Ttl Hs N Vwls. S T Cl?

No, a cat didn’t just run across my keyboard. I did that on purpose. Can you even read that? It was supposed to be This title has no vowels. Is it cool? The Miami Downtown Development Authority, (DDA), who should be renamed DUH, decided that the new slogan for their downtown should have the o’s …