Yo Mamma’s So Stupid, She Could Be A School Administrator!

Oh god. This has to go in the that’s so gay files. Some kids made the usual “yo mamma” jokes, and someone actually took them seriously, thought the kid actually slept with the other kid’s mom, and called in the authorities to investigate whether or not a child was having sex with an adult. I …

Highway to What the Hell?

Do you think it’s a good idea to let guys who are in prison own a car and drive it from prison to their paid work every day without supervision? England does, at least the officials do. A bunch of people are pretty upset about it though, understandably so. With all the problems they have …

I’m Sick of This Bullshit

Whenever I think about riding this post, words fail me. I’m reduced to saying, over and over again, these people are morons! You remember my feelings on guts, dont you? If not, there’s the most recent eruption, complete with links to earlier spewings. There, history lessonover. Now, they’re at it again. How did Shakespeare put …

The Short Circuit Isn’t On The Board.

A girl walks into an airport with what looks like a circuitboard and thinks it will be perceived as art? Ok then. How stupid is she? Surprisingly, she’s smart enough to be an MIT student in electrical engineering. But something obviously isn’t wired up right in her brain. Star Simpson, 19, wandered into Logan International …

Teach Your Children Well, Or Better Yet, Let Them Teach Themselves

Man, England is going to hell. They have CCTV’s everywhere, nobody going to jail for things they should go to jail for, and now, a bunch of people responsible for education think that kids should set their own tests and grade themselves. Hmmm, I can’t see any problem with that, can you? I guess, if …

Warning! This Blog Contains Words!

Wow. I had to shake my head after reading this article. Police in Hertfordshire, who are obviously not Scotland Yard material, decided that a fine way to decrease crime in their area would be to post signs everywhere telling people not to commit crime. They also posted signs at gas stations saying that all fuel …

It’s a Dangerous School, But Not In The Way You’d Think

Wow. You know your school sucks when this shit starts happening. Apparently, Jamaica High School has such a bad record, being called a dangerous school, that staff were sent a memmo instructing them not to call 911. It stated that only the principal or assistant principal were allowed to do this. Fifteen days later, fourteen-year-old …

More ADA Guide Dog Goodness!

Oh boy. First I was mad because regular folk could pretend their pets were service animals, and now I find out we’re getting screwed over by blind people too! Are you confused? I was at first. This is how it went. A couple got guide dogs from Leader dogs, another guide dog school. They were …