Home Cosmetic Surgery?

Ok, explain this one to me. You decide you need cosmetic surgery. You find a couple who say they’ll do it for a reasonable rate. You are brought to their office and find that their office is actually a filthy house filled with drugs and syringes and four children running around in it and you …

Don’t Take that Born To Be Wild Thing Too Seriously There, Buddy!

Justin Patterson led police on a high-speed chase through two counties. Was he drunk? No. Did he have warrants? Nope. Why was he going so fast and driving like a complete moron? He was late for his test to get his motorcycle license. Well, after being charged with reckless driving, speeding 130 mph in a …

Let’s Go Down The Robbery Checklist

Hold-up note? Check.Hood? Check.Glasses? Check.Gloves so I won’t leave prints? Check.Bag for the money?Uh-oh! NEW HUDSON, Mich. (AP) – A bank teller apparently flustered a would-be bank robber – and foiled a robbery – after asking where the suspect’s bag was to carry off the money, authorities said. Oakland County Sheriff’s Detective Tom Bisio said …

No! I! Don’t! Speak! Spanish!

The images this story gives me make me laugh. Imagine a man going to Home Depot and standing at one of those self-checkout scanner thingies. The items he’s buying? A pry bar and a hacksaw. He’s waiting in line. When he finally gets to the scanner, he accidentally hits the button for Spanish on the …

The Stupidity Parade Marches On

Somebody, for reasons that I hope involve severe mental retardation, haspaid more than $1500for a piece of concrete with an oil stain on it that looks a little bit like the face of Jesus Christ. Speaking of Jesus Christ, that’s exactly what I said to myself when I watchedthis videoabout a Chinese grocery store that …

It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses an Eye!

All I can manage to say when I look at this story is Hahahahahahahahahahah! Looks like someone needs to brush up on his skill with a weapon. This sounds like something out of the cartoons where the villains are incompetent baffoons and end up hurting each other instead of their intended victim. I especially keep …

Return to Sender

Here’s a tip to criminals already in jail. If you’re pretty much nailed to the wall on charges of first-degree murder, and you decide to write a letter complaining about how things are going, basically confessing to the crime, and urging the recipient to do what he can to keep witnesses from testifying, check and …