Death Sentence? Murder? What’s the Difference.

With some criminals, you can understand why they ended up in jail. They’re dumb. Bryan Connelly was one of these. He got convicted of forgery. Not long before he was to be paroled, he just couldn’t stand the fact that he got convicted, I guess, so wanted to kill those responsible for putting him behind …

Film At 11…Almost

This is the stupidest thing I’ve read today by a wide margin. Actual headline:Live Newscast Nearly Interrupted By Police Chase Crash SANFORD, Fla. — A car involved in a police pursuit went flying down a street and slammed into another car Thursday morning, right in front of a Channel 9 news crew. The police pursuit …

Find the Idiot. Good Boy!

Every time I read this story, it gets funnier. It all starts when a group of 3 not so smart Georgia criminals think the abandoned nursing home would be a fine place to steal some copper wire. So off they go, not realizing that it is neither a nursing home nor abandoned anymore. They should …

The Balance Might Be Fake, But The Stupidity Is Real

Some things just scream bad idea, and this is definitely one of them. If you gohere,you can buy either a one month or one year supply of fake ATM receipts. If you’re wondering why you would ever want to do such a thing, the site helpfully explains. Tired of being used as a drink-dispenser? Maybe …

This Is My House Damn It!

Let’s hope this never happens to me. I’m always afraid I’ll open the wrong door in the apartment building and piss someone off, just like this blind intoxicated Harris County man did. The story is too funny on its own, so I’ll just quote it and laugh. HOUSTON, July 24 (UPI) — A blind man …

Man Vs. Machine

The city of Guelph recently passed a bylaw stating that all cabs must have their sign lights turned off when they are carrying passengers. That sounds pretty mundane I know, but wait until you hear why. According to Guelph Police Services Board lawyer Harry Perets, the law is designed to eliminate the confusion and safety …

Thank God These Two Didn’t Breed!

Wow. This story is just, um, well, stupid. The guy feels like an idiot, does he? So he should. Let’s tell a quick version of the story, as quick as possible anyway. Michael Moylan, 45, woke up with crazy head pain. He asked his wife to drive him to the hospital. He wondered why she …

Helping You Feel Better About Yourself

I’ve seen me some stupid people on Family Feud before, but I don’t remember anything that comes close to toppingthese guys. What I can’t figure out is how they made it to Fast Money. that means they had to have won, which seems impossible. And if they won, that means that the people they beat …