Ug the news. Sometimes it pisses me off. I’ve already bitched about the lameness of some news stories, but the story I saw tonight brought lameness to a brand new low. Ok, the story was that some coffee-consumption could help prevent colon cancer and would help your liver, but drinking too much of it would …
Category Archives: that was dumb
They call it Facebook for a reason.
Man, I’ve been seeing all these stories on the news telling people to be careful about what they post on websites like Facebook and My Space, and I always thought, “This is news? To whom? Shouldn’t people already know that a site designed to connect people is a place where you are choosy about how …
The Bad Idea Fairy Visited Me Again
If you’re like us and enjoy reading about goofy or downright stupid things that people have invented, then you’ll probably get a kick out ofthis piece from Wired Magazineabout some of the dumbest things ever created. The article features among other things a human powered helicopter pogo stick, underwear with airbags in them, and glasses …
All I Wanna Do Is Wipe My Bum
Let me start this off by saying that if it weren’t for ideas that sounded crazy but actually worked, our world would be a much different place than it is today. But that said, not every crazy idea turns out to be a good one, and as much as some may want to argue, sometimes …
I Apologize For Every Newfy Joke I’ve Ever Made
Honestly, I do. I’ve met a pretty good number of Newfoundlanders in my life, and almost all of them have been some of the nicest people you could ever hope to run into, and I don’t even mean with your car. And no matter what people say about them, I haven’t met a single Newfy …
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Meet The World’s Most Gullible Man
A Chinese man stopped having sex with his wife 17 years ago because a friend told him that he would live for 1000 years if he became a celibate vegetarian. What I don’t understand is this. If you can’t have sex and you can’t have hamburgers, why would you want to live that long? Oh, …
Odd Combination Of Things Number 4
Before we get started, here’s a quick update/correction. Thestory in Things Number 3about the drunk who said a unicorn was driving his car when he had his accidentturns outnot to be quite accurate.There was no unicorn, just misunderstood slang that came out of communications from the prosecutor’s office. Apparently anybody who has a stupid excuse …
Odd Combination Of Things Number 3
Sorry for not having this posted sooner, but between seeing a friend I don’t see much, setting up my new computer, going away to see family, seeing something that made me profoundly upset [possible post to come on that one], running around getting a bunch of things done so I don’t have to think about …
Well Doesn’t That Suck Donkey Balls?
Well shit. It appears that this donkey thing isn’t even real. Apparently, it was made up to see how many people would report it as news, and I guess they made asses out of us among many. Damn them. But I have to say this has only happened to us once before, so I guess …
Ploughing Down the Stupid
Ok, any way you slice this story, it’s stupid. At 2:00 a.m., a bunch of people were milling around downtown looking for rides. They started banging on random vehicles asking if they’d give them a drive. Now here’s where it gets confusing. The radio said a woman pounded on the window of a pickup truck …