Ploughing Down the Stupid

Ok, any way you slice this story, it’s stupid. At 2:00 a.m., a bunch of people were milling around downtown looking for rides. They started banging on random vehicles asking if they’d give them a drive. Now here’s where it gets confusing. The radio said a woman pounded on the window of a pickup truck …

March 2nd’s Odd Combination Of Things

Like I saidlast time,some of these links will probably stop working after a little while. This is normal. Like I also said last time, feel free to send things in, I can always use more material. Ok, here we go. *In some news I’m very happy to hear, the British government isconsidering giving police the …

An Odd Combination Of Things

Every day, I’m either sent or I come across a lot of funny or interesting things. Sadly, a lot of them don’t make it to the site for one reason or another. Sometimes they’re too short to make anything out of. I do 1 line posts from time to time, but you can’t do that …

Random Thoughts Ahoy!

I’ve been meaning to write this post for the last two days, and I haven’t done it. Don’t i suck? It has no real focus, just another random hodgepodge of things that have been passing through my head. I don’t know whether people are bored when I do those or not. Sometimes I wonder. Hope …

Hey! Buddy! You do have the Right to Remain Silent, you know!

Um wow. Just when you don’t think you can possibly hear of someone being more stupid, you read this story. I can no longer write. I’m still laughing. A Monroe man allegedly was amazed when told his estranged wife’s boyfriend survived a Nov. 30 knife attack, Snohomish County prosecutors said Thursday. “What? I thought I …

Are Thoughts Flukes for Fluckes?

Here are a couple of tips for the would-be user of a counterfeit cheque: When you pull into Wal-Mart and you see 40 police cruisers in the parking lot, it is wise to suppose that perhaps now is not a good time to use the cheque. If you decide to push on, thinking that the …

Eighteen Wheels, and a Five-State Man Hunt

Wow. Some stuff is just weird. Not as weird as someone punching vegetation, but pretty weird all the same. This came from the Guelph Mercury. Prisoner on the run to visit ill mom NASHVILLE, TENN. (Jan 27, 2007) It has all the makings of a country song: an escaped prisoner, his terminally ill mother, a …

A Severe Case of Norwalk? Or Stupidity!

Ug. Morons! I throw up my hands in complete dismay and disbelief. I found a story in the Merc that makes me want to scream. Ok. For the past 10 or so days, there has been a Norwalk-like virus going around certain sections of the hospital. So, to prevent more people from getting it, and …