Ok, this is just stupid. A 15-year-old boy apparently learned how to make a home-made bomb out of caustic soda and other common products from a children’s television science show, although that is under dispute, because the show’s producers can’t find record of that exact experiment. His plan of impressing all of his friends went …
Category Archives: that was dumb
Punched Out.
Ever since I heard about this story, I’ve wanted to say something about it, but I just couldn’t get my head around what happened. In the small town of Erieau, Ontario, somebody died and 3 people got sick enough to be hospitalized from drinking punch laced with windshield wiper fluid. How did the windshield wiper …
This story is so completely ridiculous that it just had to be shared.
It’s Official, Human Beings Are Retarded
Honest to God, I actually read the words below just now on a real website while unsubscribing from a real newsletter. “if you are unsure what your email address is that you are subscribed under, this is located in your ezine below the Unsubscribe Link.” Let’s give these people a pass on the poor wording …
Too Bad They’ll Never Know
Remember those 2 idiots who died after climbing inside of a giant helium balloon and running out of air? If you do, you will no doubt be happy to know that their complete and utter retardedness has now been forever recognized as an award-winning part of history. Yes, for their heroic efforts to further the …
What? I Need an Escape Route?
Before I write a big post about the holidays, I just had to write this down because, well, it belongs here. Attention all dumbasses! When you decide it’s time to carjack someone, you might want to know where you’re going if you manage to steal their car. Otherwise, you might end up having to admit …
I’m Still Scratching My Head!
And shaking it. Am I awake? I am. I was watching the news, and the music start sup, and the lady comes on and says, “Tonight, we’ll tell you why scratch tickets aren’t the greatest stocking stuffer idea…” I’m like what the hell? What could possibly be wrong with a goddamn scratch ticket? Don’t take …
Good For Him
I just read a news report that said that since making his return to booking TNA, Vince Russo has been writing twice as much material as the previous creative team. That’s all fine and dandy, but it’s too bad that A not much of it has been very good and B nobody bothered to let …
Or Maybe People in Manitoba Don’t understand fires.
12-year-old charged with burning playmate, 11. Ooo! Let’s spray ourselves with bug spray and then light it. Sounds like great gobs of fun!
They got Sick! Real Quick!
Ok, this just pisses me off because I thought people knew better. Taken from the story in Google News A five-year-old boy needed a liver transplant after he and his family were severely poisoned by wild mushrooms they picked in Waterloo and ate for dinner last week. Ok, how did a whole family miss the …