It’s early on an average Saturday morning. Outside the window, there is a quiet, sunless, breezeless yet cool and somehow sticky 17 degree day. Inside the window, there are 2 angry blind people trying to figure out how it is that with no heat on in the apartment, there could possibly be an atmosphere best …
Category Archives: that was dumb
Man needs surgery after sex with hedgehog. And if that’s not enough for you, feel free to have a look at theSmartKlamp male circumcision device. If anyone needs me, I’ll be trying desperately to convince my penis that I’m not crazy enough to subject it to any of this shit.
Not Da Craw, Da Craw!
Ok, I don’t know what to think about this, but hey, ya gotta be fair, right? There’s a new spin on the story about the guy with the penis pump at the airport that reminds me of an old Saturday Night Live skit where this oriental guy with a hand shaped like a claw keeps …
I’m Sure She’s Very Proud
The following is a public service announcement brought to you by the good folks at Vomit Comet. When you’re flying somewhere with your Mom and you don’t want her to know that you’re carrying your penis pump with you, there are probably better ways to hide it from her than telling security that you’ve got …
Stupid Day couldn’t be a Better Name!
Thordora came up with a good name for today. Stupid Day. It must be if a mother will let her children play in the *parking* lot and entrance of the apartment building where I live without thinking this was a bad idea or considering relocating their games to a giant park nearby. Seriously, I got …
Somebody Needs a New Brain!
I’m amazed by some of the letters to the editor I see in the newspaper. I know there are always weird letters to the editor in every paper, but at least some of them look like they were written by someone intelligent. You may not agree with the writer and think he’s kind of out …
Something Tells Me They Had the Brain Damage Part Covered Long Before This Happened
Two students found dead inside large helium balloon LUTZ, FLA. (Jun 5, 2006) Two university students were found dead inside a large, deflated helium balloon after apparently pulling it down and crawling inside it. The deaths of Jason Ackerman and Sara Rydman, both 21, appear to be accidental, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Major Bob Schrader said. …
Apartment Hunting Sucks!
Steve and I are looking for a place together. Our little places can get a bit cramped when the two of us are in them, not to mention if we unloaded all of our stuff into one of them. That just wouldn’t happen. This has brought me to the conclusion that god I hate apartment …
Brain Drain!
Wow! Would you believe that, instead of making a date-rape drug, this bunch of imbeciles made industrial strength drain cleaner, some of them even managing to down four glasses of it, but they still didn’t figure out that something was amiss with their chemical creation until they had to call an ambulance because our star …
Stupidhead the Sequel!
I guess I spoke too soon. I have now discovered that my new neighbour is a stupidhead of a different kind. What will I call her? Ditz-o-matic? Let’s run down 15 minutes with her. I’m in my house talking on the phone. I hear, slam. Jingle. slam slam jingle! “What the hell!” I open my …